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New Blind Prediction Competition of 40-ton wall

immc | Louvain-la-Neuve

5 October 2023, modified on 18 December 2024

An exciting ERIES-project Blind Prediction Competition has been launched. More information can be found in the competition website. Participate!

Participants are challenged to predict the dynamic shake-table response of a 40-ton reinforced concrete U-shaped wall. The deadline for the submission of the blind predictions is Friday March 15, 2024. The unit will be tested on the shake table of the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Portugal, in the scope of the ERIES project ALL4wALL (Smart ALLoys for WALLs: towards durable structures with long service lives and minimal seismic residual displacements).

A description of the design and test setup of the wall unit can be found here. The rules for the blind prediction competition are explained here. Please register your email address to receive future possible notifications / updates.

The winners will be invited to briefly present their method of prediction during the live session, and later in a technical session at the WCEE2024, “CMS – 1: RC Structural Walls: Advances and Future Challenges for Design, Modelling, Testing, and Construction”, which currently counts with 62 submitted abstracts.