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Prof. Jérôme Mallefet and Ulrich Martin are currently aboard the R/V Tangaroa off New Zealand for a deep-sea campaign

eli | Louvain-la-Neuve

3 February 2020, modified on 6 December 2024

Prof. Jérôme Mallefet and Ulrich Martin are currently aboard the R/V Tangaroa off New Zealand for a deep-sea campaign. The aim is to harvest deep-sea sharks for (i) the study of their diet and their place in the trophic chain (stable isotope analyses - Ulrich's thesis), (ii) the study of luminous sharks. Ulrich has already collected more than 90 specimens for his study. For the study of bioluminescent sharks, histological, pharmacological, etc data have been collected on several species of Etmopteridae. Prof. J. Mallefet was also able to collect data and confirm the bioluminescence of the largest luminous vertebrate, the kitefin shark (Dalatias licha), which can reach up to 2 m in length. It also identified a new species of luminous shark, Zameus granulosus, belonging to a shark family not previously known to have luminous members. Despite a few storms (8-9 m waves), the campaign is going very well. There are still two more weeks of harvest before their return in mid-February. News will follow on their return