eli | Louvain-la-Neuve
The following are part of the AgroLouvain Services platform and develop expertise related to agriculture, agri-food, environment and forestry :
Centre Apicole de Recherche et d'Information (CARI) asbl
- promotion and development of beekeeping, knowledge of bees and maintenance of a pollinator friendly environment allowing their existence
- accredited laboratory to analyze and valorize the beehive products (honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly)
- Website
Centre de développement agro-forestier de Chimay (CDAF) asbl
- R&D: monitoring of forest ecosystems, forest management (typology, functions), treatment of stands (regeneration, maintenance, improvement, technical and economic itineraries), agroforestry (planting, maintenance), relationship between silviculture and wood quality
- Training, outreach and services: publications, good silvicultural and agroforestry practices (guides, advice, diagnoses, management plans), protection and restoration measures (environments, soils, water, biodiversity, climate change, forest-wildlife balance, etc.), training (owners, managers, professionals, teachers, students)
- Website
Centre agro-environnemental de Michamps (CEMI) asbl
- Laboratory for agricultural, environmental and agri-food analyzes
- Fields dedicated to experiments in the field of fodder and phytotechnics of crops in the pedoclimatic conditions of Upper Belgium
- Website
Centre indépendant de promotion fourragère (CIPF) asbl
- Agricultural experimentation and outreach organisation
- Maize, silphium, sorghum and miscanthus crops
- Field trials to improve agricultural practices while considerably reducing their environmental impacts (eg : reduction of soil erosion, development of mechanical weeding, research on low-input crops = ↓ PPP, ↓ mineral fertilization, …)
- Website
Coordination recherche et développement rural (CORDER) asbl
- Information dedicated to various actors in the rural world in Wallonia about sustainable and integrated plant protection
- Exchanges and discussions on the use of plant protection products and the current approaches to ensure plant health
The organization consists of four clusters: the CRP which provides information on plant protection legislation and good practices; the PAS informs the professionals about plant protection products licenses; the research project which provides specific scientific analyses; the plant clinic brings expertise on plant pathologies and provides advice on how to control pests and plant diseases.
Fourrages-Mieux asbl
- Pilot centre for advising farmers in the field of grasslands and fodder
- Comparison trials of fodder species and varieties, and trials on grassland crop science (at UCLouvain)
- Website
Natagriwal asbl
Information, advice and support for farmers, foresters and public or private owners in the implementation of the agri-environmental programme and the European ecological network Natura 2000
- Website
Protect'eau asbl
Advice to Walloon farmers and other users of plant protection products to preserve water quality from the risks associated with the use of nitrogen and phytopharmaceuticals
- Personalised technical advice to reduce the risk of contamination of our water resources
- Website
Réseau Qualité Sud (REQUASUD) asbl
Network of Walloon laboratories performing 5 types of analyses: microbiological analyses of foodstuffs*, mineral and organic analyses of manure and feed*, NIR, soil minerals and nitrates.
- Organization of interlaboratory comparisons and quality audits (ISO 17025)
- Databases with the analytical results of more than 1M samples
- Website
Valorisation de la biomasse (VALBIOM) asbl
Advanced scientific, technical and economic skills in the field of the biosourced economy at the service of territories, municipalities, regional services, project managers and companies
- Long-term vision and systemic thinking for a reliable, economic and sustainable approach to preserve resources and propose solutions to respond to climate change.
- Website