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Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics

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CORE Researcher in Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics: Francesca Monti

PhD student: Leila Van Keirsbilck

Journal Articles

1. Bodart, Vincent; Bertrand, Aurélie; Clarr, Margaux; De Bundel, Florian; de Pierpont de Burnot, Charles; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Notte, Vincent; Van Keirsbilck, Leila. Perspectives économiques 2025. In: Regards économiques, , no.187, p. 1-8 (2025). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2025.01.09.01.

2. Baurin, Arno; Bodart, Vincent; Courtoy, François; Lachapelle, Nathan; Pourtois, Mathilde; Sauvenier, Mathieu; Van Keirsbilck, Leila. Perspectives économiques 2023. In: Regards économiques, , no.176, p. 1-11 (2023). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2023.01.12.01.

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<type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>
Python 2.7.13: /usr/bin/python
Sun Mar 16 00:21:12 2025

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/sites/tools/export/ in ()
    107         t.encode("utf-8"))
=>  109     resp = eval( urllib.urlopen(q).read() )
    110     if ( resp['response']['numFound'] > 0 ):
    111         #print '<h/>%s (%d)</h2>' % (pubType[t].encode("utf-8"), \
resp = {'response': {'docs': [{'_version_': 1816982069788540928, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2024-04-16T20:11:38.831Z', 'created': '2023-01-18T08:35:17.051Z', 'entity_type': 'node', ...}, {'_version_': 1826395401974972416, 'bs_extracted_fulltext': False, 'bs_fulltext': True, 'bs_fwb_relevant': True, 'bs_fwb_valid': True, 'bundle': 'dial_object', 'bundle_name': 'Digital repository object', 'changed': '2025-03-12T13:27:46.430Z', 'created': '2025-03-12T13:11:03.660Z', 'entity_type': 'node', ...}], 'numFound': 2, 'start': 0}, 'responseHeader': {'QTime': 40, 'params': {'q': u'ss_state:A AND sm_contentmodel:"boreal-system:Re...sm_type:"Article de p\xe9riodique (Journal article)"', 'qt': 'standard', 'rows': '999999', 'sort': '', 'start': '0', 'wt': 'python'}, 'status': 0}}, builtin eval = <built-in function eval>, urllib = <module 'urllib' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib.pyc'>, urllib.urlopen = <function urlopen>, q = '', ).read undefined

<type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
      args = ('invalid syntax', ('<string>', 1, 1, '<html>\n'))
      filename = '<string>'
      lineno = 1
      message = ''
      msg = 'invalid syntax'
      offset = 1
      print_file_and_line = None
      text = '<html>\n'