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Hervé POILVACHE - NMSK IREC and TFAR FACM - In-vitro and in-vivo study of biofilm disruption strategies for the treatment of Prosthetic Joint Infections

    • 20 Sep
  • Accessible
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Monday 20 September, 5.15 pm, Auditoire central Maisin


NMSK - IREC and TFAR - FACM (Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology)

In-vitro and in-vivo study of biofilm disruption strategies for the treatment of Prosthetic Joint Infections

Directors: Olivier Cornu (NMSK - IREC) et Françoise Van Bambeke (TFAR - FACM)

Related publications:

  • Poilvache, H., et al. (2020). "Synergistic Effects of Pulsed Lavage and Antimicrobial Therapy Against Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms in an in-vitro Model." Front Med (Lausanne) 7(527): 527
  • Poilvache, H., et al. (2021). "In Vitro Study of the Synergistic Effect of an Enzyme Cocktail and Antibiotics against Biofilms in a Prosthetic Joint Infection Model." Antimicrob Agents Chemother 65(4)

Also on Teams: 


  • Lundi, 20 septembre 2021, 08h00
    Lundi, 20 septembre 2021, 17h00