Seminar of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences – presentation of the new thesis projects
Monday January 17, 2022 – 1pm – Auditoire Maisin and on TEAMS
- DEBUISSON Floriane (ADDB/LDRI) : Mesenchymal stem cell delivery in hybrid spheroids for the treatment of spinal cord injury
- FUCHS Victoria (CLIP/LDRI) : Evaluation of the impact of adherence, drug-drug interactions, polypharmacy, and inappropriate prescribing on efficacy and safety criteria for Direct Oral Anticoagulants in people with Atrial Fibrillation in the routine clinical practice setting
- MA Zhanjun (ADDB/LDRI and BPBL/LDRI): Taking the best of two worlds to treat spinal cord injury: traditional Chinese medicine Rosmarinic acid combined with stem cell derived-extracellular vesicles
- MAHIEU Gwenaëlle (FACM/LDRI and PMGK/LDRI): Study of the parameters modulating the cellular pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of fluoroquinolones in an in-vitro pharmacodynamic model
- LACOUR Séraphin (CMFA/LDRI) : Conception, synthesis and evaluation of new pharmacological tools to study the tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase (TDO2) in cancer imminotherapy