Camille AMADIEU - Thesis public defence
Vendredi, 18 février 2022, 08h00Vendredi, 18 février 2022, 17h00
Friday February 18, 2022 - 4:30pm
Auditoire Maisin (the presentation of the covid safe ticket will be mandatory to attend the face-to-face defence) and on TEAMS.
Camille AMADIEU - LDRI (Metabolism and Nutrition group - MNut) and IoNS
Gut microbiota, biological and psychological alterations in alcohol use disorder
PhD Thesis in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science
Supervisors: Prof. Nathalie Delzenne (LDRI/Mnut), Prof. Philippe de Timary (IoNS), Dr Sophie Leclercq (LDRI/Mnut, IoNS)
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