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Kristelle HUGHES - PhD - LDRI/GNOS

    • 25 Apr
  • Accessible
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Study on plants of the Polynesian cosmetopoeia on hair growth in cellulo: Bidens pilosa, Calophyllum inophyllum and Fagraea berteroana

Monday April 25, 2022 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin

Kristelle HUGHES, PhD, LDRI/Pharmacognosy (GNOS)

Related publications:

  • Hughes, K., Ho, R., Greff, S., Herbette, G., Filaire, E., Ranouille, E., Berthon, J.-Y., Raharivelomanana, P., 2022. Feature-Based Molecular Networks Identification of Bioactive Metabolites from Three Plants of the Polynesian Cosmetopoeia Targeting the Dermal Papilla Cells of the Hair Cycle. Molecules 27, 105.
  • Hughes, K., Ho, R., Chazaud, C., Hermitte, S., Greff, S., Butaud, J.-F., Filaire, E., Ranouille, E., Berthon, J.-Y., Raharivelomanana, P., 2021. In Vitro Hair Dermal Papilla Cells Induction by Fagraea berteroana, a Tree of the Marquesan Cosmetopoeia (French Polynesia). Cosmetics 8, 13.
  • Hughes, K., Ho, R., Butaud, J.-F., Filaire, E., Ranouille, E., Berthon, J.-Y., Raharivelomanana, P., 2019. A selection of eleven plants used as traditional Polynesian cosmetics and their development potential as anti-aging ingredients, hair growth promoters and whitening products. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 245, 112–159.


  • Lundi, 25 avril 2022, 08h00
    Lundi, 25 avril 2022, 17h00