A Bruxelles Saint-Louis
10 crédits
Horaire adapté - En anglais
Sigle du programme: BUET2FC
Mémoire/Travail de fin d'études : OUI
Stage : NON
Activités en anglais: OUI
Activités en d'autres langues : NON
Activités sur d'autres sites : NON


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Fifth edition :  start in September 2022 - registrations opened

Business ethics, compliance and corporate responsibility are key elements that define modern business competitiveness. Leading companies set the behavior and performance standards. They are also clear about what they aspire to be. Based on UCLouvain and St-Louis’s values of excellence in ethics and their recognized expertise in the human and social sciences, this certificate aims at providing professionals and leaders with the tools to design, manage, implement and develop appropriate compliance programs throughout their business.

Key success factors of the program
  • Taught in English by expert professors from leading universities togeteco with international practitioners
  • Deeply anchored in professional practice, with highly interactive sessions
  • Concrete tools, directly applicable by participants in their daily activities
  • Opportunities to build valuable networks with oteco participants and practitioners
  • A schedule compatible with your professional commitments
  • Training sanctioned by a University certificate from leading Universities
  • Lectures in the heart of Brussels, at University Saint Louis, Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43, 1000 Brussels.
Votre profil

Professionals involved with :

  • the development, management, implementation of compliance programs
  • policies or services e.g. general counsels
  • corporate counsels
  • compliance officers
  • auditors
  • lawyers
  • independent Board members
  • auditors
  • finance managers
  • CSR professionals
  • regulators
  • civil servants involved in compliance
In partnership with :




logo-cheque-formation_tcm17-1597.png This program is approved within the framework of the Walloon Region's training voucher scheme. The maximum number of training vouchers accepted is 72. Take advantage of this incentive and register for this training ! Find out more : dispositif de chèques formation.