Compétences et acquis au terme de la formation

Develop in-depth knowledge of the political and legal aspects of European governance of environmental issues (outcome 1)

  • Advanced knowledge of the main authors and principles of disciplines dealing with environmental issues, particularly at European level
  • Specialised knowledge of the main concepts of the disciplines on environmental issues, particularly at European level
  • Advanced knowledge of the main analytical approaches to environmental issues, particularly in Europe

Ability to develop analytical, reflective and critical skills in these different areas (outcome 2)

  • Ability to synthesise analytical knowledge on a course-related subject
  • Ability to present arguments on European environmental issues
  • Production of a final dissertation

Gaining intellectual resources and analytical tools needed to prepare for professional activities (learning outcome 3)

  • Knowledge of the main stakeholders in the field of European environmental governance
  • Knowledge of tools, particularly data, used by the stakeholders in that field
  • Ability to work independently (completing individual assignments), enabling integration into new contexts

Development of English language skills (outcome 4)

  • Following all courses in English and learning specific vocabulary
  • Produced several publications in English, including a policy brief and a final year dissertation