La version que vous consultez n'est pas définitive. Ce programme peut encore faire l'objet de modifications. La version finale sera disponible à partir du 1er juin.

A Bruxelles Woluwe
60 crédits - 1 année
Horaire de jour - En anglais
Sigle du programme: PMTX2MC
Cadre francophone de certification (CFC) : 7
Mémoire/Travail de fin d'études : OUI
Stage : NON
Activités en anglais: OUI
Activités en d'autres langues : NON
Activités sur d'autres sites : OUI


This program, the Master of Pharmacometrics, is a joint effort by KULeuven and UCLouvain, aiming to attract candidates from diverse academic backgrounds such as pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, medicine, statistics, and more. It offers the opportunity to specialize in the fast-growing field of pharmacometrics and prepares graduates for roles in the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, the public sector, or scientific research. Both institutions have heavily invested in building solid research foundations in pharmacometrics. They aim to leverage this expertise to train candidates in collaboration with experts from industry, hospitals, and the public sector. By choosing a joint program, the teams from both universities complement and strengthen each other, ensuring high-level training.

Pharmacometrics is the science of developing and applying statistical models to predict the behavior of drugs in the human body. These models can determine the potential effects and side effects of drugs, including in specific patient groups such as those who are obese or have liver or kidney failure. By mathematically modeling these effects, predictions can be made about drugs still in development, guiding the development process. Pharmacometric models help ensure targeted drug development, reducing the need for studies on laboratory animals or large groups of patients. In clinical practice, these models are crucial for making informed decisions about drug choice and dosage tailored to individual patient characteristics. Information from pharmacometric models is essential for making sound decisions regarding drug approval and reimbursement.

Votre profil

The Advanced Master of Pharmacometrics program at KULeuven and UCLouvain is designed for individuals with diverse academic backgrounds, including pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, medicine, and statistics. The program is also open to holders of a Master's degree in (bio-)engineering, biology, chemistry, statistics, epidemiology, mathematics, physics, or any other related discipline (see access criteria).

Ideal candidates are eager to specialize in the fast-growing field of pharmacometrics, aiming to make significant contributions to the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, public sector, or scientific research. Candidates should have a particular interest in pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, as well as mathematics, biostatistics, and modeling approaches. You will benefit from the robust research and mentorship provided by both institutions, learning from leading experts and collaborating with professionals from various sectors. This program promotes student autonomy, encouraging you to take initiative and develop independent research skills.

Motivated by the potential to impact drug development and clinical practice, ensuring safer and more effective treatments tailored to individual patient needs, this program is for those looking to advance their careers and make a difference in the world of healthcare.

Votre futur job

As a pharmacometrician, you will apply quantitative methods to study the behavior and effects of drugs in humans (and, possibly, animals). You will work in various settings, including pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, contract research organizations, and regulatory agencies. Your main responsibilities will include developing and validating pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models, which describe how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated in the body, as well as how they interact with biological targets to produce responses.

Additionally, you will perform population pharmacokinetic (popPK) and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analyses to account for variability in drug exposure and response among different individuals or groups. You will design, conduct, and interpret simulations and scenarios based on these models to optimize drug development strategies, trial designs, dosing regimens, and extrapolations across populations or indications.

Finally, you will communicate your findings to internal and external stakeholders, including project teams, management, clinicians, and regulators, ensuring that your insights contribute to the advancement of safe and effective drug therapies.

Votre programme

The program of 60 ECTS is structured around 4 blocks that follow the logical workflow of constructing a pharmacometric model and is taught in English. Each block will conclude with an integrative group project. Each block consists of 15 ECTS. An overview of the full program with a detailed list of the different courses in each block is given in the dedicated section. To develop the program, we focused on the two figures below that show the process of Pharmacometrics and all the aspects that need to be included in the program (Figures 1 and 2).