English- or French-friendly classes


English- or French-friendly classes offer English/French facilities for international students who have only a passive knowledge of the language of instruction. The options allow students to attend classes that would not otherwise be accessible, while helping them to improve their competence in the language of instruction.

English- or French-friendly classes offer at least the following four facilities:

  • Readings: English/French literature references can be provided.
  • Questions: students can ask questions in English or French.
  • Assessment: students can give presentations, write papers and/or answer exam questions in English/French.
  • Dictionary: students are allowed to use a dictionary (monolingual dictionary of the language of instruction or bilingual dictionary, as specified by the lecturer), including during examinations.

Students wishing to take advantage of these facilities must:

  • check that the class has the English- or French-friendly label (visible in the course catalogue and class description);
  • report to the class instructor at the first class session.

These classes are not bilingual classes: they are given in one language and the instructors are open to communicating in English or French with international students. The classses are therefore not available to students with limited or no knowledge of the language of instruction.