"The Blue Economy" / A Keynote from Gunter Pauli

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Last Spring 2020, our Advisory Council had the chance to welcome Gunter Pauli as a guest speaker to talk about the "The Blue Economy" and ZERI's zero emissions initiatives.

Here are few words from our Dean, Per J. Agrell, to introduce him:

"The Three Gifts of LSM and the Seeds of Gunter Pauli

The Louvain School of Management is committed to continue to deliver three important gifts to our students and to our stakeholders (...), hope, excellence and long-term sustainability (...).

One scholar that spread the seeds of the three gifts to our community this Spring is Dr. Gunter Pauli (...). The calling in his books on the Blue Economy is strikingly simple and powerful: focus at creating value from available and renewable resources rather than depleting costly and non-renewable materials (...). But although the excellence and ingenuity of the approach are beyond questioning, it is in the positive and comprehensive humanistic approach that Gunter Pauli distinguishes his action. Much more than a dry economist or slick consultant, Gunter is a humble and kind nature putting particular emphasis at his work with children and students, as well as applied projects. He gives us the hope and light we all dearly need at this time."

Watch the videos:

1. Teaser
2. Biography
3. Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives (ZERI) / Five Intelligences of Management
4. The Blue Economy
5. Study case: Light Fidelity (LiFi)


Published on November 16, 2020