Agenda du site DEMO

Midis de la recherche

    Bruno Masquelier (DEMO, UCLouvain) and Bruno Schoumaker (DEMO, UCLouvain) A new method for estimating child mortality from paternal reports Brass' indirect method is widely employed for child mortality estimation in countries lacking robust vital statistics. It is based...
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Midis de la recherche

    Françoise Bartiaux (DEMO, UCLouvain) and Philippe Bocquier (DEMO, UCLouvain) with Ute Dubois (ISG International Business School) and Tutana Kvaratskhelia (Think Tank World Experience for Georgia) War, energy poverty, and capabilities: the case of Georgia What are the...
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Quetelet Seminar 2024

Behind and Beyond Numbers: Population Research Through Critical Lenses "Demographic rearmament" "Who will pay our pensions?" "Secure our future, control immigration!" Population issues lie at the crux of today’s most pressing social debates. The evolving dynamics of fertility, mortality,...
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