Nature, biodiversity, and the politics of difference - Brendan Coolsaet

13 mai 2024

12h30 - 14h

Bienvenu.e.s au TRI-cycle CIRTES, associé au projet Horizon TRANS-L !

Le prochain séminaire sera donné par le prof. Brendan Coolsaet le 13 mai de 12h30 à 14h au d-144 (bâtiment Dupriez) ou en ligne (Teams).

Liens actifs pour l'inscription au séminaire et l'accès à la salle Teams dans l'affiche en pièce jointe.

Nature, biodiversity, and the politics of difference - Brendan Coolsaet

In this session, we ask how biodiversity conservation incorporates concerns for social justice. Based on nearly a decade of research and drawing on a diversity of approaches and disciplinary insights, we will explore the plural ways in which cultural difference has been understood in the context of conservation, both in theory and in practice, and will relate this to contemporary conservation conflicts. We will focus in particular on the knowledge-producing role of place-based practices for conservation and discuss what this means for conservation practice and its effectiveness.