Bienvenue au département d'ingénierie informatique, agent incontournable en matière d'enseignement et de recherche en informatique.
Le département d'informatique et d'ingénierie fait partie de l'Institut des technologies de l'information et de la communication, de l'électronique et des mathématiques appliquées (ICTEAM).
Domaines de recherche
- Biomedical engineering
- Communication systems and networks
- Cryptography and Information security
- Dynamical systems, control and optimization
- Large graphs and networks
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Software engineering and programming systems
Equipes de recherche
- Belgian Constraint Group (beCool)
- Cloud and Large Scale computing group
- Efficiency of Networked Systems Group
- IP Networking Lab (INL)
- Louvain Verification Lab
- Machine Learning Group (MLG)
- Programming Languages and Distributed Computing Research Group (PLDC)
- Research Laboratory on Software Evolution And Software Development technology
- Security and Performance of Networked Systems
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