Dutch-language legal life in Belgium

ldroi1516  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Dutch-language legal life in Belgium
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The course consists of three separate parts that cannot be completely separated.
The first part serves to reconstruct the role of Dutch as a legal language of the Belgian legal order.  This historical perspective of the evolving role of Dutch as a means of expression of the Belgian legal order is followed by a second part that deals with contemporary   legal  issues of the use of Dutch today in both the public and private spheres, which are incomprehensible without a thorough knowledge of the aforementioned historical context.
The third part looks at the world of law in Flanders from a metajuridical and artistic perspective. It studies depictions in the visual and literary arts of the world of law in Flanders (in visual art, literary art and film).
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The aim of the course is to enable students to reconstruct the progressive role of Dutch as an instrument for the expression of the Belgian legal order in a historical context (1830 to the present), as well as the coexistence of this official language and legal French within the same legal order.
Such an approach makes it possible to develop a critical and nuanced view of certain sensitivities that persist intergenerationally, to understand the stakes, issues,  and challenges of choosing to preserve only one language as a means of expression of a legal order or, on the contrary, to preserve multiple languages.
The course will also enable students to improve their passive and active knowledge of the Dutch legal language through a micro-immersion experience and the opportunity to practise the language in a flipped classroom context.
I. Historical section : The gradual recognition of Dutch as an instrument in the Belgian legal order. This section may include the following topics :
  • The rise  of Dutch in the Belgian judiciary
  • The rise  of Dutch as a mode of expression of the Belgian legislature
  • The rise of Dutch as a mode of administrative expression
  • The introduction of Dutch in university legal education and doctrine, and in legal civil society
II. Selected topical issues. This section may include the following topics:
  • From translating the civil code into Dutch to introducing a new bilingual civil code
  • The split of  Bruxelles Halle Vilvoorde
  • The split of the bar association
  • The possible regionalisation of justice 
  • Language decrees on the use of languages in labour relations and their relation to the principle of free movement of workers;
  • The Language Union with the Dutch State.
III. Metajuridical and artistic aspects of legal life in Flanders
This section may include the following topics:
  • The representation of Justice in the visual arts in Flanders
  • The representation of the legal culture in Flanders in literary texts
  • The representation of the legal culture  in Flanders in cinema
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided via lectures in Dutch, supported by powerpoints in Dutch, which the lecturer also makes available in a French translation. A compulsory reader  with texts written mainly in Dutch is provided and books and articles are suggested simply for reading. Part of the course is organised by inviting students to present a paper (written in French or Dutch) in Dutch on a topic relevant to the course programme. Depending on political and social current affairs, guest speakers may be invited from universities belonging to the Flemish Community.
Evaluation methods
Evaluation is based on the active participation of students who will present an individual or collective written work (in French or Dutch) in Dutch, as well as a written examination (in Dutch for Erasmus Belgica or French dutch for the other students).
Alen, A. en Sottiaux, S., Taaleisen juridisch getoetst, Mechelen, Kluwer, 2009, 190p.
Bolland, G.J.P.J, Het Nederlands als aangelegenheid der hoogere aangelegenheden des geestes, Brussel, 1912, 38p.
De Potter, F., Le Néerlandais est-il une langue juridique ? Gand, Imprimerie A. Siffer, 1897, 32p.
Huygebaert, S. et alii, De Kunst van het recht. Drie eeuwen gerechtigheid in Beeld, Tielt, 2016, 205p.
Mareel, F., Roep om rechtvaardigheid. Recht en onrecht in de Kunst uit de Nederlanden . 1450-1650, Antwerpen, Hannibal, 2018, 238p.
Meylaerts, R. (2021). “Language and translation policies in a bilingual city with a multilingual population. The case of Brussels”. In: L. Tong King (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and the City, Chapt. 6, (97-111). (Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies). London & New York: Routledge)
Meylaerts, R., «  Et pour les Flamands la même chose » : quelle politique de traduction pour quelles minorités linguistiques ? », Journal des Traducteurs; 2009;. 7 – 21
Nouws, B. et Meylaerts R., « La nécessité des traductions. Translating legislation in a young parliamentary regime. The case of Belgium (1830–1895) », International Journal of the Sociology of Language ; 2018;. 111 – 130
Polak, J., Jubileumbundel 1947-1997 Vereniging voor de vergelijkende studie van het recht van Belgie en Nederland, Deventer : W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, 1997 338p.
Vandenbogaerde, S., “Volksverlichting als hoogste doel. Het Rechtskundig Weekblad en de ontwikkeling van een Vlaamse rechtswetenschap (1931-2021)”, RW 2021-2022, 82
Van den Broeck, J., JBC Verlooy, vooruitstrevend jurist en politicus uit de 18 de eeuw 1746-1797, Antwerpen, 1980
Van Goethem, H., De taaltoestanden in het Vlaams-Belgisch gerecht, 1795-1935, Brussel, Paleis der Academiën, 1990, 358p
Van Goethem, H., Honderd jaar Vlaams rechtsleven, Gent, Story-Scientia, 1985, 338p.
Verstraeten, J., René Victor. 1887-1984. Strijder voor het Vlaamse rechtsleven, s.l., Doobraak, 2018, 822p.
X., 1885-1905. Vlaamsche Conferentie der Balie van Antwerpen. Feestviering van het 20jarig bestaan, s.l. , s.d.
X., Honderd jaar rechtsleven. Nederlandse Juristen-vereniging 1870-1970, Zwolle, Tjeenk-Willink, 1970, 340 p.
Van Gerven, H., Tous les citoyens sont censés connaître la loi': étude des pratiques de traduction et de transfert dans le domaine juridique belge (1830-1914);-.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Additionnal module in law

Bachelor in Law