Team sports and games

ledph1024  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Team sports and games
4.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
To achieve the course objectieves, the next items will be approached: - Basic concepts of the team organisation: general principle of the organisation, game systems, game combinations, offensive and defensive organisations, individual tactic elements; - Knowledge and application of the team sports specific organisation mode; - Continuation of the technical and tactical fundamentals learning.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 By the end of this course, the student will have improved his technical and tactical habilities in the field of the team sports and will be able to apply these skills during the games
Theoretically and practically, the course presents :
- technical gestures linked to basic offensive and defensive organization (ball carrier and non-ball carrier, attack and defense construction)
- the main concepts of collective organization, both tactical and pre-tactical: general principles of organization, systems of play, offensive and defensive phases of play, individual tactical sense in basketball, indoor soccer, handball and volleyball. 
Teaching methods
The main modes of offensive and defensive organisation are addressed through conceptual introductions. These theoretical elements are then applied on the field, essentially in the form of game fragments, game phases or moments of overall play.
The technical elements specific to each discipline are completed and worked on in more demanding situations than in the first year (greater time pressure, more active pressure from the opponent and reduced spatial conditions).
This specific motricity is also related to tactical concepts: which tools, which methods for which situations?
Evaluation methods
Two parts of the test (A and B) will be organized as part of the course and may be taken separately.
However, failure to pass the technical theory and principles of play test (A) will result in a grade of zero for the teaching unit. (Exclusion mark).
The first (A), organized by the holder, consists of :
- a theoretical test focusing on the offensive and defensive principles of the disciplines taught in the course.
- Participation in a high-level match in 2 of the 4 sports taught (1 Q1 and 1 Q2).
 The second (B), organized by the instructor and the technical advisors, will be a final practical assessment, including discipline-specific tests designed to measure achievement of the learning outcomes targeted.
-Numerical equality game form test with essential learning and improvement outcomes 
Final practical assessment including subject-specific tests designed to measure achievement of the targeted learning outcomes.
The assessment ensures that students can only succeed if they have mastered the “essential” learning outcomes targeted by the UE.
For each test, the teacher communicates and assesses mastery of the “essential” individual and collective learning outcomes and the “specific” learning outcomes. Only students who have mastered the “essential” learning outcomes in each of the sports disciplines practiced will validate the teaching unit and receive a mark of 10/20. A higher mark corresponds to mastery of the “advanced” learning outcomes. 
Other information
Supervision: Teacher(s), technical advisor(s) and/or assistant(s) possibly assisted by student monitors.
In view of the specificity of the bachelor and master degrees and the professional recognition that obtaining the academic degree of Master in Motor Sciences, Physical Education orientation automatically entails, we inform the students enrolled in the bachelor degree in Motor Sciences, that the absence of active follow-up of the LEDPH1001 course, even for justified medical reasons, will make the evaluation of the course impossible, with the consequent impossibility to acquire the corresponding credits. Active physical presence in the course is compulsory. The percentage and quality of attendance will be collected by the teachers. Physically active attendance means full and effective participation in order to exercise the skills conveyed in the course. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, the course instructors may propose to the jury to refuse the registration of a student who has not physically participated in at least 80% of the courses during the January/June or September session.
This course is strictly reserved for FSM students and is not open to other UCLouvain students.
The second session tests are identical to the first session tests. The student must take all the tests that assess the learning outcomes that have not been achieved. 
The student will ask the teacher in charge and the teachers in charge to set up the necessary conditions for the second session evaluation situations during the day of consultation of the papers. (e.g. sufficient number of players for the assessment situation) 
If this is not the case, the teacher may refuse access to the second session assessment.
This course is strictly reserved for FSM students; other UCLouvain students cannot access it.
Teaching materials
  • Dossier de cours, sur Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Motor skills : General