The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h
Q1 and Q2
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
The aim of Bloc 2 is to develop the students' language competence from a pre-intermediate level (B1 - independent user) to an upper intermediate level (B2). Interactive classes, combined with homework, will help improve the students' vocabulary and grammar while developing the other skills. Emphasis will be put on speaking, listening and reading comprehension (top priority), and writing (press file and writing exercises). | |
- Presentation and debates on current news topics and on socio-professional aspects ; press articles, news from the web, TV news, glossaries created and mastered about terms encountered in different quality sources and press articles.
- Basic Grammar revision (self-study and exercises in class) and Advanced Grammar: connectives, advanced tenses, reported speech, modals and semi-auxiliaries.
The following topics will be covered:
- Junk food vs. Slow food
- Rethinking the European Union
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Humanitarian aid
- Basic Grammar revision (self-study and exercises in class) and Advanced Grammar: connectives, advanced tenses, reported speech, modals and semi-auxiliaries.
The following topics will be covered:
- Junk food vs. Slow food
- Rethinking the European Union
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Humanitarian aid
Teaching methods
Communicative and interactive teaching Approach.
An exemption test is organized (only once) at the start of the academic year. The modalities will be communicated to the students via the Administration. The students having a grade of 16/20 and + will be exempted to follow the course.
An exemption test is organized (only once) at the start of the academic year. The modalities will be communicated to the students via the Administration. The students having a grade of 16/20 and + will be exempted to follow the course.
Evaluation methods
The mark /20 is calculated as follows:
- Oral part: 10 points
It is based on the evaluation during two tests in December and April/May.
It is very important to note that the student must be as active as possible during the interactive lessons. Their participation, knowledge of vocabulary, mastery of oral exercises, etc., will be observed throughout the year.
- Written part: 10 points
Basic (self-study and exercises in class) and advanced grammar, listening comprehension, vocabulary and written expression.
Assessment here is based on two exams, one in December, the other in May.
- Q1 and Q2.
Q1: The December exams (written /20 + oral /20) as well as the presentations (articles 1 and 2) of the press pack during the course are worth 40% of the points (Q1 score). A mark of 10/20 or above is equivalent to exemption from this subject for the year. The result is recorded on the January report card.
Q2: The May examinations (written /30+ oral /30), together with continuous assessment, i.e. participation, assignments, press dossier (articles 3 and 4 as well as the introduction and conclusion) and debates, constitute the mark for Q2. This mark is worth 60% of the points.
A mark of 10/20 or above is equivalent to exemption from this subject for the year.
Q3: in August/September, only students who did not achieve 10/20 in June sit the exam again. If Q1 was passed in January with 10/20 or more, then the exemption is valid for the whole academic year (including Q3). The proportion remains the same (50% written/ 50% oral), and Q1 is worth 40%, Q2, 60%.The subject matter remains the same. The oral exam in Q3 will consist of questions on the student's syllabus and Press File.
- Oral part: 10 points
It is based on the evaluation during two tests in December and April/May.
It is very important to note that the student must be as active as possible during the interactive lessons. Their participation, knowledge of vocabulary, mastery of oral exercises, etc., will be observed throughout the year.
- Written part: 10 points
Basic (self-study and exercises in class) and advanced grammar, listening comprehension, vocabulary and written expression.
Assessment here is based on two exams, one in December, the other in May.
- Q1 and Q2.
Q1: The December exams (written /20 + oral /20) as well as the presentations (articles 1 and 2) of the press pack during the course are worth 40% of the points (Q1 score). A mark of 10/20 or above is equivalent to exemption from this subject for the year. The result is recorded on the January report card.
Q2: The May examinations (written /30+ oral /30), together with continuous assessment, i.e. participation, assignments, press dossier (articles 3 and 4 as well as the introduction and conclusion) and debates, constitute the mark for Q2. This mark is worth 60% of the points.
A mark of 10/20 or above is equivalent to exemption from this subject for the year.
Q3: in August/September, only students who did not achieve 10/20 in June sit the exam again. If Q1 was passed in January with 10/20 or more, then the exemption is valid for the whole academic year (including Q3). The proportion remains the same (50% written/ 50% oral), and Q1 is worth 40%, Q2, 60%.The subject matter remains the same. The oral exam in Q3 will consist of questions on the student's syllabus and Press File.
Other information
Attendance is highly recommended.
If you are absent the day of an oral or written exam, you must have a medical certificate; otherwise you score 0 for that test (0A).
To validate that UE, you must take ALL parts of examination (written AND oral). 0A (or 0NP, 0M) at one part can lead to 0A (0M, ONP) at the total of the UE.
If you are absent the day of an oral or written exam, you must have a medical certificate; otherwise you score 0 for that test (0A).
To validate that UE, you must take ALL parts of examination (written AND oral). 0A (or 0NP, 0M) at one part can lead to 0A (0M, ONP) at the total of the UE.
Online resources
Moodle Page: BHDPO1290 - Anglais II
La bibliographie du syllabus est intégrée à chaque chapitre du syllabus de ce cours;
Pour écrire cette fiche, l'IA fut utilisée pour les traductions.
Pour écrire cette fiche, l'IA fut utilisée pour les traductions.
Teaching materials
- Syllabus BHDPO1290 - Anglais II - POLS- 2024-2025
Faculty or entity