The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
45.0 h + 15.0 h
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1. Introduction : macroeconomic aggregates and key accounting identities.
2. The determinants of private consumption, saving and investment
3. Money markets and central banking
4. IS-MP model in a closed economy
5. Price and Wage formation and AD-AS model in a closed economy
6. Introduction to open economies: balance of payments; exchange rate regimes; Marshall Lerner condition; capital mobility and interest rate parity
7. IS-MP model in an open economy
8. Price and Wage formation and AD-AS model in an open economy
2. The determinants of private consumption, saving and investment
3. Money markets and central banking
4. IS-MP model in a closed economy
5. Price and Wage formation and AD-AS model in a closed economy
6. Introduction to open economies: balance of payments; exchange rate regimes; Marshall Lerner condition; capital mobility and interest rate parity
7. IS-MP model in an open economy
8. Price and Wage formation and AD-AS model in an open economy
Teaching methods
a) Plenary Lectures :
During the plenary lectures, the professor presents the concepts and mechanisms associated to the different models.
The lectures follow the course outline presented above.
b) Exercise sessions (TA sessions)
Exercise sessions are carried out in small groups and aim at checking knowledge acquisition as well as applying the theoretical concepts presented in class to solve exercises and case studies. Students should review the corresponding lectures before the session to draw full benefit from them.
During the plenary lectures, the professor presents the concepts and mechanisms associated to the different models.
The lectures follow the course outline presented above.
b) Exercise sessions (TA sessions)
Exercise sessions are carried out in small groups and aim at checking knowledge acquisition as well as applying the theoretical concepts presented in class to solve exercises and case studies. Students should review the corresponding lectures before the session to draw full benefit from them.
Evaluation methods
closed-book written exam
Les références suivantes sont des références utilies mais ne sont pas strictement équivalentes au cours. Ce ne sont donc pas des livres de référence que le cours suivrait méthodiquement.
Blanchard Olivier et Daniel Cohen (2020), Macroéconomie, 8ième édition, Pearson.
Mankiw Gregory (2019), Macroéconomie, 10ième édition, deboeck supérieur, collection ouvertures économiques.
Blanchard Olivier et Daniel Cohen (2020), Macroéconomie, 8ième édition, Pearson.
Mankiw Gregory (2019), Macroéconomie, 10ième édition, deboeck supérieur, collection ouvertures économiques.
Teaching materials
- Le cours est accompagné d’un syllabus complet. Il constitue la référence obligatoire du cours.
- Les transparents utilisés pendant le cours sont disponibles sur le site moodle du cours.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes