English III

bhdpo1390  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

English III
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
10.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Longrée Françoise (coordinator); Ochsenmeier Erwin (coordinator);

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The aim of this course in Bloc 3 is to push the students forward to an “Independent” level (B2+) or an Advanced level (C1-).
The interactive courses as well as the home assignments will help the student be competent with the language at a lexical level but also with different skills: emphasis will be put on speaking (professional group presentations) and understanding spoken English (mainly) as well as writing (reading specialised articles).
Course Contents:
- Presentations and class discussions / debates on current issues in the aria of POLS (in a broad sense), with input (support material) coming from press articles, TV programmes, and Internet files.
The topics for the presentations and class discussions / debates are the following: Voting : Right or Obligation?, Mass Media in Today’s World, Cities in 2050, Bridging the Gaps: Towards a More Egalitarian Society.
- Communication techniques (Language of professional presentations, How to use visuals, Describing graphs and trends during a presentation).
- Continuous exercises on listening comprehension in the class.
- Roleplaying (Speed-networking in job seeking).
- Exercises for the preparation of the IELTS test.
- (Time permitting only) Writing skills workshops / Negotiation skills course.
Teaching methods
BHDPO1390 - Anglais III - Q1+Q2 - 60h Th./Ex. in class + 30h of self-study at home
* Interactive course: communicative and interactive approach.
Evaluation methods
It is very important to note that this is a course based on the student's regular participation and involvement. Home assignments requested by the teacher must be carried out meticulously. They are taken into account in the final assessment.  There is an out-of-session written exam in December (Q1), then in May (in Q2);  the second chance for those who do not have a minimum of 10/20 in June is in Q3 (August/September session), where only the parts not passed (Q1+Q2 or Q2 only) are retaken. 
Oral part: 10 points 
It is very important to note that the student must be as active as possible during the interactive classes. Class participation, debating activities, knowledge of vocabulary, mastery of oral exercises, etc., will be assessed throughout the year (/5).
The oral presentation (in groups) is also an important part of the oral assessment (/5). 
Written part: 10 points (5 in December, off-session and 5 in May, off-session)
Vocabulary and content of the 4 presentation topics and the topics seen in class (The language of presentations, How to use visuals, Describing graphs & trends, Speed Networking), advanced grammar (linking words), listening comprehension, and written expression (writing key sentences using vocabulary specific to the target field + writing an essay on the content of the 4 presentation topics).
2 subjects in December and 2 subjects in May.
To validate this UE, the student must sit all parts of the examination: the written AND the oral. A 0A in one of these parts (or OM or ONP) may result in 0A, 0M or 0NP in the EU total.
Catch-up exam organised in September (in session) in Q3: same distribution of points (10 for the written exam, 10 for the oral exam), but continuous assessment is no longer involved.  The student will present one of the course topics (individually) for 10 minutes during the oral exam, in addition to answering questions on the course content.
Use of generative artificial intelligence (or any other online tool, e.g. translators, spelling and grammar checkers, ...) 
If the student chooses to use one or more AIs (or any other online tool), they must systematically indicate all the parts in which these tools were used, e.g. in footnotes. The student should specify whether the AI was used to search for information, to write the text, or to improve or correct it. The student should also mention which AI (or other online tool) was used (ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, Chatsonic, DeepL, etc.) and the date on which it was used. Information sources must be systematically cited in accordance with bibliographic referencing standards. The student remains responsible for the content of their work, regardless of the sources used.
In order to ensure that the student's written work is personal, criteria such as originality, critical thinking, creativity and illustration with examples (e.g. from their own experience) will be taken into account. 
Any behavior on the part of the student that prevents or attempts to prevent, in whole or in part, the correct assessment of their knowledge, skills and/or competences will be considered an irregularity that may lead to sanctions.
Other information
Participation to the interactive courses is highly recommended.
3 unjustified absences are permitted during the year.  
However, if the student is absent during an oral or written test, the grade will be 0 (0A) for this test if the absence is not justified (medical certificate or force majeure). 
Online resources
Moodle page HDPO1390 - Anglais III
La bibliographie du syllabus est intégrée à chaque chapitre du syllabus de ce cours;
Pour écrire cette fiche, l'IA www.deepl.com fut utilisée pour les traductions.
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus HDPO1390 - Anglais III 2024-2025
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Political Sciences (shift schedule)