The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
30.0 h
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
No specific prerequisites. An interest for ICT issues and a curiosity for their ethical/policy dimensions are perfectly sufficient.
Main themes
The themes change from year to year, and may include:
- net neutrality and freedom of expression
- intellectual property
- privacy
- crowdsourcing and the "sharing economy"
- cryptocurrencies
- net neutrality and freedom of expression
- intellectual property
- privacy
- crowdsourcing and the "sharing economy"
- cryptocurrencies
- - e-democracy
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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Contribution of the course to the program objectives (N°) 3.2, 3.3 4.2, 4.3 5.2, 5.5, 5.6 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 Specific learning outcomes of the course a. Disciplinary Learning Outcomes Students having successfully followed this course will be :
Students having successfully followed this course will be :
The content will be adapted depending on the themes investigated in the class.
Teaching methods
a. Process organization
The course will contain a mix of:
- Lectures focusing on background and methodology,
- Sessions during which students will be requested to debate and elaborate a position on a specific issue, which they will present either in writing or orally.
It may be offered to some students to make an in-depth study of a specific theme, and to report on their work either as a presentation or in writing.
b. Media
Students will be provided for each specific theme with a short mandatory reading list. They will also be provided with a short general bibliography on the theme.
The course will contain a mix of:
- Lectures focusing on background and methodology,
- Sessions during which students will be requested to debate and elaborate a position on a specific issue, which they will present either in writing or orally.
It may be offered to some students to make an in-depth study of a specific theme, and to report on their work either as a presentation or in writing.
b. Media
Students will be provided for each specific theme with a short mandatory reading list. They will also be provided with a short general bibliography on the theme.
Evaluation methods
The students will be graded, based on the learning outcomes described above, from oral examination and from essays that they will submit individually or in small groups.
Grades will be the sum of two components, with the following weights:
• 30% based on one or more team essay(s), to be submitted during the semester;
• 70% based on one or more individual essay(s) and an exam discussion.
In the case of more than 2 unjustified absences of a student from the class, we reserve ourselves the right to activate Articles 72 and 73 of the RGEE and may recommend the jury to not authorize the student registration to the exam.
Grades will be the sum of two components, with the following weights:
• 30% based on one or more team essay(s), to be submitted during the semester;
• 70% based on one or more individual essay(s) and an exam discussion.
In the case of more than 2 unjustified absences of a student from the class, we reserve ourselves the right to activate Articles 72 and 73 of the RGEE and may recommend the jury to not authorize the student registration to the exam.
Online resources
Supports de cours, ouvrages de références, ...
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Multilingual Communication
Certificat d'université en éthique et société
Master [120] in Chemical and Materials Engineering
Master [120] in Civil Engineering
Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering
Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
Master [120] in Translation
Master [120] in Interpreting
Master [120] in History
Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering
Advanced Master in Visual Cultures
Master [120] in Electrical Engineering
Master [120] in Physical Engineering
Master [120] in Ethics
Master [120] in Computer Science and Engineering
Master [120] in Computer Science
Master [120] in Philosophy
Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering
Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology : General
Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
Master [120] in Data Science Engineering
Master [120] in Data Science: Information Technology
Master [120] in Energy Engineering