The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 15.0 h
This learning unit is not being organized during year 2025-2026.
LFRA2001 "French Didactics - Part 1"
Main themes
The course "French Didactics – Part 2" addresses, based on research in French didactics and educational sciences, the principles, frameworks, and tools for teaching French in upper secondary education. The course focuses on addressing learning difficulties and managing heterogeneity, as well as the adoption of long didactic sequences. In this perspective, it explores various aspects of planning, differentiation, and assessment of French learning. The didactic exercises (volume 2) allow students to internalize the competencies and learning outcomes in smaller groups, particularly focusing on the language teaching actions of the teacher.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
(2.6) Be able to mobilize and apply disciplinary knowledge in linguistics to authentic language data. (2.7) Be able to mobilize and apply disciplinary knowledge in literary studies to texts from different genres and periods. (3.6) Be capable of presenting complex disciplinary content orally in a clear, coherent, and reasoned manner. (5.3) Demonstrate reflective thinking about one's knowledge, methods, and productions. Regarding the learning outcomes (AA) of the program, this teaching unit contributes to the development and mastery of the following competencies and learning outcomes: AA.1. Competencies of the institutional, social, and cultural actor (AA1.3.2) Make the school a place where students learn, develop, and grow in a positive climate, rather than a place of selection. AA.3. Competencies of the organizer and facilitator of learning in an evolving dynamic (AA.3.1) Master disciplinary content, its epistemological foundations, its scientific and technological evolution, its didactics, and the methodology of teaching it. (AA.3.2) Master knowledge related to learning processes, research on different teaching models and theories. (AA.3.4) Take into account and develop the linguistic dimensions of learning and teaching, being attentive to the language of schooling or learning and aware of the socially and culturally unequal familiarity with it. AA.4. Competencies of the reflective practitioner (AA.4.3) Gradually build one's professional identity, particularly by using professional development tools such as the portfolio. |
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