Entrepreneurial Project

mgest1324  2025-2026  Mons

Entrepreneurial Project
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Main themes
This course has three main objectives:
  • Make students aware of the business spirit in general, and more specifically, of entrepreneurship as a potential choice of professional project;
  • Carry out, in teams, a project that integrates the different disciplines of the bachelor's program in management and which is part of societal changes and transitions (digitalization, circular economy, social entrepreneurship, etc.);
  • Confront students with the business world and, more particularly, with the point of view of professionals on the projects they will have developed through the course.
The course is more specifically built around entrepreneurial skills from the EntreComp European standard (https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/entrecomp) to be activated to develop the project.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Given the « competencies referential » linked to the LSM Bachelor in Management and Business Engineering, this course mainly develops the following competencies:
  • 4.1. Identify opportunities for innovation and be creative in putting forward useful and original ideas.
  • 5.3. Combine different areas of knowledge (apply concepts from different fields and compare different rationales for action) to understand a concrete problem of a company or organisation of limited size and complexity.
  • now and understand the principles of collaborative learning.
  • 6.2. Recognize and take into account the different points of view of team members.
  • 7.1. Organise the process: working as a team, and with consideration for the pre-defined objectives, plan and develop all the stages of a project and commit to it collectively, having allocated the tasks.
  • 7.2. Share information and expertise to help progress the project and contribute to the team's success with a view to effectively achieving the objective set.
  • 8.1. With the target audience in mind, communicate information, ideas, solutions and conclusions with written and oral fluency and in a clear, structured and well-argued manner.
  • 8.3. Engage effectively and respectfully with peers and teachers, demonstrating listening skills, empathy and assertiveness.
  • 9.3. Self-motivation: design your own training plan and define its direction in line with your own values and aspirations.
  • 9.5. Independently assimilate new knowledge and skills to enable you to solve concrete, well-defined management problems.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to:
  • understand what the entrepreneurial approach entails;
  • imagine an entrepreneurial project (ideation and creativity) to act as a responsible actor in a world in transition (vision, values);
  • present his project in order to convince of its interest, obtain resources and arouse commitment (pitching);
  • test an entrepreneurial project (experiments, lean startup method);
  • analyse the operational implementation of an entrepreneurial project (business planning) including in terms of its financing and economic viability (financial literacy).
Lectures conseillées et boîte à outils :
Osterwaler, A, Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A. (2015), La méthode Value Proposition Design, Pearson France.
Ries, E. (2012), Lean Startup. Adoptez l’innovation continue, Pearson France.
Réalisez des changements avec le Circulab toolbox: outils et compétences de conception - Circulab
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor : Business Engineering

Bachelor in Management