People management

lepl1805  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

People management
3.00 credits
22.5 h + 15.0 h
The aim of the course is to enable students to develop their ability to grasp, understand, and therefore their ability to act and react as a human manager.
The educational project aims to develop this capacity by putting the students in a situation of people management, while illustrating a real problem by the concepts and notions discussed during the lectures and in the reference book.
Teaching methods
  1. There will be 8 ex-cathedra lectures:
    1. The person and the constituent elements with regard to the human management of people
    2. Self-management: managing yourself as a person
    3. Managing people: managing others
    4. Project management: key phases and approaches
    5. Social consultation
    6. Enabling and stimulating collaboration: managerial models and group dynamics
    7. Organizational models: key elements and processes of organizations (two lectures)
  2. One evening with guests debating on the today's contexts and issues of human management
  3. Grounding of acquired knowledge through group work with a written report of 10 pages and an oral defense
Evaluation methods
The assessment will be based mainly on the students' ability to establish and clarify links between the content of the lectures (and their supports) and:
  • one or more theoretical problem(s) of people management in organizational contexts
  • the way in which they will have carried out their group work in relationship to this (these) problem(s)
This assessment will take place through group work which will be delivered as a written report and an oral (collective) defense of the group work. In the second part of this oral defense, the professors will ask questions to the students individually on their own contribution, those of their colleagues, and the content of the lectures and/or the main reference book.
The grade assigned to this group work serves as the sole certification evaluation of the course. There is no other evaluation method (exam, ...).
  • All students in a group whose work is judged insufficient during the first session will receive a failing grade for this course. This group will be asked to improve their work over the summer and resubmit it in the August-September session.
  • A student who has submitted work that is assessed as insufficient or of poor quality may also receive a failing grade as an individual, while the other members of the group receive a passing grade. In this case, the student concerned will have to complete additional work during the summer and present it during the August-September session. The content of this additional work will be determined by the teaching staff.
  • In accordance with article 72 of the RGEE, the teachers reserve the right to propose to the jury that a student who has not participated in the project or who has left his·her group during the semester be refused registration for the examination relating to this course, including for the August-September session.
The use of generative AI software such as chatGPT is authorized for assistance in writing the documents requested as part of this project. However, it must be clearly and completely indicated in the document(s) concerned.
Other information
In the context of the group work, it is important that the students ensure beforehand a clear distribution of the roles between them, given that this role may be the subject of questioning during the oral defense.
Online resources
The course Moodle page is accessible via the following link: It contains all the practical information relating to the organization of the course, as well as the digital files to support the lectures and the project. In particular :
  • Podcasts of lectures taught in this way.
  • Slides of “ex-cathedra” lectures.
  • Instructions about the group project.
  • Video interviews with experts in the field.
  • Etc.
  1. « Management Humain - Une approche renouvelée de la GRH et du comportement humain ». Auteurs: L. Taskin – A. Dietrich ; éditeur: deBoeck Supérieur.
  2. « Les Entreprises Humanistes ». Auteur : Jacques Lecomte ; éditeur : Les Arenes Eds.
  3. « L'entreprise délibérée – Refonder le management par le dialogue ». Auteurs : ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Mathieu Detchessahar, préface de Yves Clot ; éditeur : NOUVELLE CITE.
Teaching materials
  • “Management Humain - Une approche renouvelée de la GRH et du comportement humain”. Auteurs: L. Taskin – A. Dietrich ; éditeur: deBoeck Supérieur.
  • Les transparents des cours magistraux (disponibles sur Moodle).
  • Les vidéos disponibles sur Moodle (podcast, interviews, etc.)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Engineering

Bachelor in Computer Science