Reading and analyzing Dutch literature

lned1134  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Reading and analyzing Dutch literature
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 15.0 h
Van Praet Helena (compensates Vanasten Stéphanie); Vanasten Stéphanie;
Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 
Main themes
Emphasis is placed on the critical reading, interpretation and analysis of modern and contemporary literary texts in Dutch Various literary genres - poetry, short stories, novels, theater, essay, youth literature, literature, illustrated fiction – and even media (adaptation) are studied in their specificity and also considered from the point of view of their hybridity and modes (narrative, lyrical, argumentative). 
Students are introduced to the main concepts and tools of (Dutch-language) literary studies Several aspects of (Duch-language) literature, as a singular discourse, with its effects (rhetorical, ethical, esthetic, etc.), its positioning (institutional, cultural, political, etc.), its functions (place of memory, cognition, knowledge, therapy, entertainment, etc.), and its material carriers are highlighted and explored.  
An analysis of a selection of Dutch-language literary texts will be presented, based on different methods. By comparing specialist interpretations and theoretical orientations, the analysis illustrates the point and allows for problematization. 
The course also introduces students to heuristic research in Dutch literary studies, to understanding scientific texts and to academic writing in the field of Dutch-language literary studies.  
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Will have acquired the basic concepts and methods of literary studies applied to the Dutch-language field;
2 Demonstrate their knowledge of basic vocabulary and terminology in Dutch-language literary studies;
3 Understand and identify various scholarly methods of critical reading and study of Dutch-language literature;
4 Analyze and interpret a wide range of literary texts (poem, short story, novel, play, essay, youth literature, illustrated fiction) from the modern and contemporary period using a scholarly method ; 
5 Identify specific generic features and dominant modes, and to develop a critical reflection on genericity, or mediality, and the literary phenomenon; 
6 Research relevant sources independently, and to use them critically and justifiably in a well-argued analysis of Dutch-language literary texts.
This learning unit contributes to the development and command of the following skills and learning outcomes of the ELAL programmes: 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 2.3. ; 2.6; 3.5; 3.6 ; 5.6.
The course covers a variety of texts (of different genres, authors, periods, functions and carrier) belonging to literature written in Dutch and representative from it, and in order to help students take pleasure in reading those texts and to develop literary analysis skills in the target language.
As a starting point, we will question the literary object (in the specific field of study of Dutch literature): its functions, its effects, its materiality, its conditions of production and reception, its positioning. We will critically examine the criteria determining whether or not a text belongs to the category of "Dutch literature" and the foundations of the disciplinary field.
 The course then introduces the main theoretical, critical and methodological basic tools for approaching literary texts in their diversity: according to their genre (poems, short stories, novel subgenres, drama, essays, paraliterature…), their medium and material carrier, their posterity (canonization, memory, circulation), their positioning in the field, the reading experience and the process of interpretation.
Students are introduced to various methods of textual analysis and critical paradigms in Dutch literary studies whose main operating concepts are presented. Some canonical works or texts that are representative of the studied aspects are analyzed in detail.
The course also introduces the basics of the heuristic approach (actors and institutions, sources of information and bibliographic referencing, data collection and processing, development of questions and themes to be investigated, methodological limitations and frontiers of knowledge) in the field of Dutch literary studies.
Teaching methods
Introduction to the main concepts of literary theory and criticism for Literatures in Dutch and to the tools of literary analysis (with further readings at home). Illustration and exploration of various issues through selected literary works. Students are expected to do their required readings before class. Where applicable, a series of open questions orient their reading and analysis, and encourage an active approach.
Presentation of critical methods of analysis (based on excerpts from scholarly articles, with reading comprehension training) and elaboration, in interaction with the lecturer, of a personal and argued analysis in which one experiments with the text's virtualities, confronts points of view, evaluates reading methods and questions their validity. Gradual preparation for own academic production in the field of Dutch-language literary studies. Awareness of the risk of plagiarism, the importance of authenticity and responsibility, and respect for intellectual, academic and scientific integrity.
Students are expected to actively take part in the discussions, which 3 compulsory written assignments will contribute to.
The course includes 15 hours of workshops (tutorials) consisting of exercices and text analysis in order to help students overcome the difficulties that may arise. Visiting a museum, a cultural institution or attending a play in group helps the students to enrich their learning process in a new environment.
Evaluation methods
Formative assessment : compulsory preparatory readings, exercises integrated into the lectures and obligatory workshops (to facilitate adaptation to the academic context), active participation, self-study tasks through Moodle.
Continuous assessment (20%): compulsory participation in workshops and learning activities (e.a. visiting a museum, cultural institution or attending a play in group), completion of 3 compulsory assignments (heuristic exercises, poetic analysis, personal and critical commentary of a text in prose). If students have not regularly followed these learning activities (including more than one unjustified absence from the workshops preparing for the final assessment), the student may be refused access to the oral examination, which mobilises in particular the learning outcomes targeted here.
Final evaluation: written exam on the course (60%) and oral exam consisting of a discussion about a portfolio (personal and authentic commentary with bibliography on a text based on, inter alia, a scholarly article (20%).
The student’s mastery of written and spoken Dutch and the correct use of the disciplinary terminology   are  part of the assessment criteria.
The portfolio will be drawn up in compliance with the specific instructions set out and in accordance with the practices of academic and scientific integrity. The use of any source of information (including generative artificial intelligence) that is not duly referenced and systematically indicated for each part of the work concerned, and that prevents the examiner from verifying the student's prior learning, personal skills, process and approach, is forbidden, with due respect for the principle of authenticity.
For students who have to resit the exam, the assessment is divided as follows: written exam (70%) and oral exam (30%).
In order to achieve the minimum pass mark for this course, taking the various learning activities into account, a score of at least 8/20 must be obtained for each of the two parts of the final assessment (written exam, oral exam). If the student has obtained a mark of less than 8/20 for (one of) these parts, then the final mark for the entire exam session cannot exceed 9/20.
Online resources
Internet ressources for literary criticism and textual analysis (see bibliography and Moodle) ; anthology of chosen literary works (+ media excerpts)
van Boven, Erica & Dorleijn, Gillis. Literair mechaniek. Bussum: Coutinho, 3de herziene druk, 2013.
Herman, Luc & Vervaeck, Bart. Vertelduivels. Handboek verhaalanalyse. Brussel: VUB Press, 2005. (mise à jour: Handbook of Narrative Analysis. University of Nebraska Press, 2019.)
Brillenburg Wurth, Kiene & Rigney, Ann. Het leven van teksten. Een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011. (mise à jour: The Life of Texts. An Introduction to Literary Studies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019).
Teaching materials
  • Manuels de référence en théorie littéraire et analyse de textes (voir bibliographie)
  • anthologie de textes littéraires choisis (+ extraits de médias);
  • plateforme d’initiation à la recherche en études littéraires néerlandophones (voir Moodle)
  • Powerpoints et hand-outs
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English

Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Minor in Dutch language and culture (only available for reenrolment)

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Minor in Literary Studies