Course prerequisites

The table below lists the activities (course units, or CUs) for which there are one or more prerequisites within the programme, i.e. the programme CU for which the learning outcomes must be certified and the corresponding credits awarded by the jury before registering for that CU.

These activities are also identified in the detailed programme: their title is followed by a yellow square.

Prerequisites and student's annual programme

As the prerequisite is for CU registration puposes only, there are no prerequisites within a programme year. Prerequisites are defined between CUs of different years and therefore influence the order in which the student will be able to register for the programme's CUs.

In addition, when the jury validates a student's individual programme at the beginning of the year, it ensures its coherence, meaning that it may:

  • require the student to combine registration in two separate CUs which it considers necessary from a pedagogical point of view.
  • transform a prerequisite into a corequisite if the student is in the final year of a degree course.

For more information, please consult the Academic Regulations and Procedures (

# Prerequisities list
BANGL1292 "Anglais II" has prerequisite(s) BANGL1192
BANGL1392 "Anglais III" has prerequisite(s) BANGL1292
BCOMU1210 "Communication, culture et interactions sociales" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BCOMU1211 "Corporate communication and public relations" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BCOMU1212 "Socio-histoire des médias" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1113
BCOMU1213 "Intercultural communication" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BCOMU1250 "Usage et réception des médias" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BCOMU1310 "Sémiotique" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BCOMU1313 "International communications" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BCOMU1315 "Communication et organisations" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BCOMU1316 "Enjeux et pratiques du journalisme" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1113
BCOMU1317 "Espace public, connaissance et médias" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114
BDRAN1265 "Law and Religion" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1176
BDRAN1360 "Law and Tech Governance" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1176
BDROI1340 "Théorie générale de l'Etat et de l'Union européenne" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1176
BECGE1321 "Théorie des organisations" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BECGE1326 "Mens en organisatie" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BESPO1360 "Ethics and the economy" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1170 ET BPOLS1127
BHDDR1361 "Justice et politique" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165 OU BPOLS1120
BHDPO1222 "Politique économique" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1170 ET BPOLS1127
BHDPO1315 "EU politics" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BHDPO1316 "Mutations et politiques urbaines " has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BHDPO1317 "Partis politiques et groupes d'intérêt" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BNEER1282 "Néerlandais II" has prerequisite(s) BNEER1183
BNEER1382 "Néerlandais III" has prerequisite(s) BNEER1282
BPOLS1120 "Droit public" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1176
BPOLS1233 "Méthodes quantitatives II: Statistique" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1231
BPOLS1252 "Questions spéciales d'anthropologie" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160 OU BPOLS1111
BPOLS1320 "Media en politiek" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165 OU BPOLS1114
BPOLS1321 "Society and Environment" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165 OU BESPO1160
BPOLS1330 "Méthodes quantitatives I: Production des données" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1231
BPOLS1331 "Méthodes quantitatives III: Analyse des données" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1233 ET BPOLS1330
BPOLS1352 "Ateliers" has prerequisite(s) BSOCA1330 ET BPOLS1330 ET BPOLS1231
BSOCA1210 "Sociologie de la culture" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BSOCA1211 "Analyse des théories sociologiques" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BSOCA1310 "Sociologie de l'action collective" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BSOCA1312 "Socio-anthropologie du symbolique" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BSOCA1313 "Sociologie historique de l'intégration européenne" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1160
BSOCA1314 "Milieu en samenleving" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165 OU BESPO1160
BSOCA1315 "Analyses et théories du pouvoir" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1114 OU BESPO1160 OU BESPO1165
BSOCA1330 "Méthodes de terrain: Observation et entretiens" has prerequisite(s) BPOLS1231
BSPOL1210 "Sociologie politique" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165 OU BESPO1160
BSPOL1214 "Doctrines politiques" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BSPOL1215 "International Organizations" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BSPOL1310 "Travail, emploi et protection sociale" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BSPOL1312 "International relations" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BSPOL1313 "Politique comparée" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BSPOL1315 "Régimes politiques" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BSPOL1316 "Système politique européen" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165
BSPOL1322 "Analyse de l'action publique" has prerequisite(s) BESPO1165 OU BESPO1160