Course prerequisites

The table below lists the activities (course units, or CUs) for which there are one or more prerequisites within the programme, i.e. the programme CU for which the learning outcomes must be certified and the corresponding credits awarded by the jury before registering for that CU.

These activities are also identified in the detailed programme: their title is followed by a yellow square.

Prerequisites and student's annual programme

As the prerequisite is for CU registration puposes only, there are no prerequisites within a programme year. Prerequisites are defined between CUs of different years and therefore influence the order in which the student will be able to register for the programme's CUs.

In addition, when the jury validates a student's individual programme at the beginning of the year, it ensures its coherence, meaning that it may:

  • require the student to combine registration in two separate CUs which it considers necessary from a pedagogical point of view.
  • transform a prerequisite into a corequisite if the student is in the final year of a degree course.

For more information, please consult the Academic Regulations and Procedures.

# Prerequisities list
LANGL1882 "English : reading and listening comprehension of texts in Bioengineering" has prerequisite(s) LANGL1881
LANGL2480 "English Communication Skills for Bioengineers" has prerequisite(s) LANGL1882
LBIR1211 "Analysis of multivariate functions" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1110 AND LBIR1111
LBIR1212 "Probabilities and statistics (I)" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1111
LBIR1221 "Wave, optical and modern physics" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1110 AND LBIR1121 AND LBIR1122
LBIR1250 "Biochemistry I" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1150 AND LCHM1141B
LBIR1251 "Plant physiology" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1150 AND LBIR1151
LBIR1252 "Animal physiology" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1151 AND LCHM1141B
LBIR1260 "Principles of economics" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1110
LBIR1270 "Integrated project in environmental diagnosis" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1130 AND LBIR1170
LBIR1271 "Integrated project in programming and applied mathematics" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1110 AND LBIR1111
LBIR1315 "Probability and statistics II" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1212
LBIR1325A "Transfer of fluids and energy for Bio-engineer" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1122 AND LBIR1211
LBIR1325B "Transfer of fluids and energy for Bio-engineer" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1122 AND LBIR1211
LBIR1328 "Climatology and hydrology applied to agronomy and the environment" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1221
LBIR1328A "Climatology and hydrology applied to agronomy and the environment - partim A (2 ECTS)" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1221
LBIR1336 "Soil science and integrated excursions" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1130 AND LBIR1270
LBIR1340 "Basis of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1211 AND LBIR1221
LBIR1341 "Laboratories, seminars and integrated practice of analytical chemistry" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1212 AND LCHM1211A
LBIR1342 "Analyse de composés organiques dans des matrices complexes" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1141B
LBIR1346 "Surface and colloid chemistry" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1211A
LBIR1349 "Analytical Chemistry I" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1211A AND LBIR1221
LBIR1350 "General Microbiology" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1250
LBIR1351 "Introduction to systems analysis" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1271
LBIR1352M "General genetics" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1150
LBIR1352P "General genetics" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1150
LBIR1353 "Integrative Plant Biology" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1251
LBIR1354 "Biologie des interactions" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1270
LBIR1355 "microbial metabolism and biomolecules synthesis" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1250
LBIR1360 "Firm management and organisation" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1260
LBIR1362 "Environmental Economics" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1260
LCHM1211A "Chimie générale 2" has prerequisite(s) LBIR1140 AND LBIR1170
LCHM1244 "Organic chemistry 2: deepening of basic concepts" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1141B