Teaching method

  • The program is a combination of seminars developed specifically for the Certificate and existing courses. For these courses, the audience is therefore mixed: certificate students and bachelor/master students.
  • The courses are taught by a team of experienced in-house lawyers and practitioners with recognized field experience.
  • The evaluation is specific to the continuing education program and will be linked to the participant's professional experience.
  • Students are encouraged to actively participate in the course and to be involved in their learning.
  • Course attendance is free.


Organizing team

  • Alain Strowel, Academic Director of the Certificate, Professor at the UCLouvain, the UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Brussels and the Munich IP Law Centre (MIPLC), lawyer at the Brussels Bar
  • Luc Desaunettes, post-doctoral researcher at UCLouvain (ARC project), ex-junior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich) and research assistant at the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI, Strasbourg)
  • Gaëlle Fruy, PhD student at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles
  • Enguerrand Marique, Co-chair for the Certificate, University Docent (Radboud University), Visiting Lecturer at the UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Brussels, post-doctoral researcher at the UCLouvain (CRIDES)

The other teachers

  • Vincent Cassiers, Professor at the UCLouvain, lawyer at the bar of Brussels
  • Alexandre Cruquenaire, Lecturer at the University of Namur, lawyer at the Namur bar
  • Thierry Debled, Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg (CEIPI), Intellectual Property Attorney
  • Sari Depreeuw, Professor at the UCLouvain Saint-Louis Brussels, lawyer at the Brussels bar
  • Fernand de Visscher, Lawyer at the Brussels Bar, Professor em. at UCLouvain
  • Rossana Ducato, Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen
  • Mona Giacometti, Professor at the ULB, Guest Professor at the UCLouvain and the UCLouvain Saint-Louis Brussels, Member of the Brussels Bar
  • Charles-Albert Helleputte, Lawyer at the Brussels Bar (Head of EU cyber, data and privacy), Guest lecturer at UCLouvain and UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Bruxelles
  • Christophe Lazaro, Professor at UCLouvain, member of CERNA
  • Francis Leyder, former head of the patent department of Total Research & Technology, guest lecturer at UCLouvain
  • Bernard Mouffe, lawyer at the Brussels bar, lecturer at the University of Namur and guest lecturer at UCLouvain
  • Pierre-Yves Thoumsin, lawyer, scientific collaborator at UCLouvain (CRIDES) and assistant at ULB
  • Edoardo Traversa, Professor at UCLouvain, lawyer at the bar of Brussels
  • Jean-Paul Triaille, IP senior legal officer, European Commission, Central IP Service, DG JRC
  • François Wéry, Former IP C-Executive, Lecturer UCLouvain, European Patent Attorney

In collaboration with the Centre for business law and society (CRIDES) of the UCLouvain, the Centre de droit privé (CePRI) of the UCLouvain Saint-Louis-Bruxelles and the Research Group on Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS).