List of available minors

When accessing the bachelor's cycle (annual block 2), students are invited to broaden their educational horizons by choosing a minor (see list at the bottom of the page).

What is a minor?

It is a kind of 30-credit option that allows students to:

  • discover another discipline
  • reflect on their personal learning project
  • define the emphasis and meaning they wishe to give to their training path
  • access a Master's degree more easily (see the admission requirements for the Master's degree in question).

Please note that it is not possible to register for a minor outside the bachelor's degree!


List of minors available to this Bachelor's programme

> Minor in Law (access)
> Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome
> Minor in History of Art and Archeology
> Minor in Information and Communication
> Minor in Culture and Creation
> Minor in Scientific Culture
> Minor : Issues of Transition and Sustainable Development (*)
> Minor "Decentering History: Subalternities and postcolonial Studies"
> Minor in Gender Studies
> Minor in Arabic language and Islamic civilization
> Minor in Medieval Studies
> Minor in Musicology
> Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
> Minor in Christian Theology
> Minor in Linguistics

(*) This programme is the subject of access criteria