At Louvain-la-Neuve
180 credits - 3 years
Day schedule - In French
Programme acronym: KINE1BA
Francophone Certification Framework : 6
Dissertation/Graduation Project : NO
Internship : YES
Activities in English: NO
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO


The Faculty of Motor Sciences at UCLouvain offers you a bachelor's study program in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, completely reformed in 2024, aimed at the development of specific skills, as included in the new framework below.
Ten areas of skills were identified based on a detailed analysis of current expectations in the professional world and the values that we wish to promote at UCLouvain, namely (1) scientific attitude, (2) Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and clinical reasoning (RC), (3) the patient-physiotherapist relationship aimed at making the patie.nt the driving force behind their care and (4) multidisciplinary collaboration.Référentiel KINE_mars24.JPG

Courses in the UCLouvain physiotherapy and rehabilitation program are taught by experts at the cutting edge of knowledge. The latter are active in the world of scientific research and integrate the latest advances in their field of expertise into their teaching, including their own contributions. The reformed program emphasizes teaching methods that promote the development of critical and reflective thinking. You will be able to use your knowledge through internships offered in a wide variety of services in our partner hospitals or private practices.
The bachelor's program must be completed by a year of master's degree in physiotherapy and rehabilitation (60 credits) to obtain the professional title of physiotherapist. At the end of your 4 years of study, you will be able to apply for an INAMI number which is essential to take care of patients as a physiotherapist.

If you wish, you can also continue your studies with a Master in Motor Sciences of 120 credits. Currently, the FSM offers three goals: the in-depth goal (research) and two specialization goals (musculoskeletal physiotherapy, neurological physiotherapy). Obtaining a Master 120 will give you access to doctoral training.

Your profile

Do you enjoy human contact, are you sociable and attentive, do you practice regular physical activity? All these aspects constitute assets for the success of this university course.
Generally speaking, academic success requires cognitive skills: written and oral mastery of French, analytical skills, critical thinking, a spirit of synthesis, good working methods, capacity for abstraction, etc.

Your future job

You will work in a hospital, in a private practice, in a nursing home, in a rehabilitation center, a psychomotor center or a sports club, in Belgium or abroad. You can also go on a mission around the world for an NGO, move towards medical delegation or a career in research.
These studies lead to a professional title subject to specific rules.

Your programme

The bachelor's degree offers you the possibility:

• to acquire a solid base of knowledge in the field of biomedical sciences; the technical knowledge and skills necessary to perform the professional actions of the physiotherapist;
• to develop soft skills oriented towards therapeutic communication, empathy, emotional intelligence, work management, reflexivity, etc. ;
• integrate clinical reasoning based on Evidence Based Practice (EBP)
• to develop initial field experience through three months of clinical internships in a hospital or office setting.

Skills and learning outcomes at the end of the training = Bachelor’s standard