In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.
Decree of 7 November 2013 defining the landscape of higher education and the academic organization of studies.
The admission requirements must be met prior to enrolment in the University.
Unless explicitly mentioned, the bachelor's, master's and licentiate degrees listed on this page are to be understood as those issued by an institution of the French, Flemish or German-speaking Community, or by the Royal Military Academy.
In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.
General access requirements
Secondary school teacher training (AESS) is open only to holders of a Master’s (second-cycle) degree awarded within the French Community of Belgium or a degree obtained abroad and deemed equivalent in accordance with this Decree, a European directive, an international convention or other legislation, subject to the same requirements.
Students in the final stages of a minimum 120-credit Master’s degree at an institution in the French Community may simultaneously enrol for teacher training. However, students admitted on these terms cannot be officially accepted until they have obtained the necessary Master’s degree.
Specific access requirements
Cette formation n'est plus ouverte aux nouvelles inscriptions. Les personnes qui y étaient inscrites avant 2025 peuvent cependant s'y réinscrire pour la terminer. Les étudiants réinscrits en 2025-26 qui n’auront pas obtenu leur diplôme à l’issue de 2025-26 auront l’année académique 2026-27 pour valider les unités d’enseignement manquantes. Si le diplôme n’est pas acquis fin 2026-27, il faudra alors s’inscrire dans un Master en enseignement section 5.
Dès septembre 2025, pour vous former à enseigner à partir de la 4ème année de l’enseignement secondaire, il vous faut entamer
- soit un master en enseignement section 4 (120 crédits), après un bachelier disciplinaire (180 crédits)
- soit un master en enseignement section 5 (60 crédits), après un master disciplinaire (60 ou 120 crédits)
Voir la liste des Masters en enseignement.
Admission and Enrolment Procedures for registration
Requests for further information regarding admission to this Teacher Training Certificate should be addressed to
All applications for admission, enrolment or re-enrolment (from a Belgian or international candidate) must be submitted online to the UCLouvain Enrolment Service:
Additional information
Attendance at the information sessions organised during the first week of the academic year and presence at the courses is strongly recommended for the proper conduct of the programme.
Registration after the 30th September is not permitted for this Teacher Training Certificate.
For more information about the Teacher Training Certificate in the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters:
For more information on the admission and registration procedures for the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters: