Teaching method

The teaching strategy takes its inspiration from the idea of taking responsibility for one's own learning and offers a wide range of learning situations. Students must take three major decisions: the choice of an option course, a focus and final additional training. 

Approximately thirty credits are reserved for activities which can be freely chosen from the overall Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology programme or from related Masters.

Teaching is organized in small groups, most frequently in tutorial style and learning is for the most part centred on individual work (e.g. reading, consultation of databases and bibliographic references, presentation of seminars and research work). Before making a final choice for the subject of the dissertation, students do a rotation in four laboratories relating to each of the four available option courses. Work on the dissertation usually starts in the second semester of the first year and continues until the first semester of the second year of the Master. The training is completed by an intensive placement in a professional environment lasting several months, preferably abroad.