The aim of this programme is to train academics to understand and analyse current practical economic and social questions, explain and communicate their analyses to a wide range of audiences, put their analyses in wider contexts and go on to work with specialists from other disciplines. Various components such as a dissertation, seminars, group work, study reports and work placement reports will enable students to acquire skills in writing and expression required to practise economics at a professional level. To make the link between theory and practice, work placements and outside study visits (especially in developing countries) are available. Exchanges and other kinds of collaboration with foreign universities offer students the chance of becoming familiar with another culture, improving their foreign language skills and experiencing different kinds of teaching methods.
The programme is centred on a foundation which is both solid and covers a variety of subjects. Starting from this common foundation, three different focuses are available. The research focus develops methods of analysis and research. The professional focus enables students to acquire skills in a special area depending on their chosen career.
Key Learning Outcomes common to all ESL Masters:
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. Analytical skills.
When deploying and economic analysis of specific and often complex issues, the student will be able to
- 1.1. Identify the relevant issues, grasp the essential elements that are necessary to a proper understanding
- 1.2. Identify what makes an economic model useful, in which context it can be used, and be aware of the role of key assumptions underpinning that model
- 1.3 Identify, beyond the specific and diverse real-life problems, the general methods that are relevant to an economic analysis
- 1.4. Conduct a clear and rigorous analytical reasoning
- 1.5 Identify relevant empirical methods to evaluate theoretical and/or practical issues
- 1.6. Select and collect relevant data, assess their limitations, conduct appropriate statistical analysis,
- 1.7 Interpret the results of statistical/econometric analysis and explain the problems and limitations underlying these tools
2. Intellectual and methodological autonomy:
when pursuing an economic analysis of diverse an complex issues , the ESL student will
- 2.1 be aware of the interactions between economic analysis and those stemming from other human and social sciences; and be able to adopt a critical stance vis-à-vis economics in general
- 2.2 be capable to distinguish the positive and normative moments of economic reasoning
- 2.3 be able to propose an original way, grounded in economic reasoning, of solving real-life economic problems
- 2.4 demonstrate an ability to use the tools of economics in innovative ways.
- 3.1. The student will deepen their knowledge in at least three areas of economics: macroeconomics, finance, development economics, international economics, labor economics, social economics, industrial economics, public economics...
- 3.2. In the research focus, the student will be trained to become an academic researcher.
- 3.3. In the teaching focus , the student will be trained to become a teacher.
4. Communication and relational skills.
Communicate in French and English in a professional manner, both verbally and in writing, while adapting to the target audience and
context, as well as interacting and collaborating respectfully and constructively with the different players involved in a given situation
- 4.1. Communicate in writing, in a clear and structured manner, in accordance with the communication standards specific to the context
and adapting the communication (content and form) to the target audience and intended purpose.
4.2. Communicate verbally, in a clear and structured manner, in accordance with the communication standards specific to the context
and adapting the communication (content and form) to the target audience and intended purpose.
4.3. Put their arguments across pertinently using technical language, according to the audience.
4.4. Put their arguments across pertinently in layman’s terms, according to the audience.
4.5. Integrate and work effectively within a team and with different stakeholders involved in a given situation (in learning and
professional contexts (work placement), nationally or internationally).
4.6. Communicate articulately in English, verbally and in writing, in a clear, coherent and well-argued manner on general matters or
issues relating to the field of economics, adapting to suit the audience and the context.
5. Act in a professional and international environment.
Acting in a professional and international environment
Upon completion of their training, the student will be:
- 5.1. able to adapt and act in a demanding and dynamic professional world,
- 5.2. able to operate in an international and multicultural environment, where English is the lingua franca,
- 5.3. capable of leveraging their economist skills to advise, manage, or lead companies, associations, and public organizations,
- 5.4. versatile in their professional scope and possessing a genuine ability to influence the evolution of their environment.
FA.2. Master and critically mobilize specialized knowledge and skills in macroeconomics.
FA.3. Master and critically mobilize specialized knowledge and skills in econometrics.
FA.4. Conduct a scientific approach resulting in the writing of a research paper meeting the requirements of a scientific article.
Professional Focus (FS). If following Professional focus:
Develop and acquire the knowledge and skills of an economist capable of participating in decision-making in both the private and public sectors, at both the local and international levels.
FS.1. Demonstrate knowledge and critical reflection on current economic affairs.
FS.2. Integrate broader contexts and multidisciplinary dimensions into their analyses, capable of collaborating with specialists from other disciplines.
FS.3. Develop skills for a first concrete professional experience (internship), including the mobilization of academic achievements to act appropriately in concrete situations.
FS.4. Forge a profile as a transversal and versatile expert in economic and social life issues, capable of understanding the complexities of multiple fields.