The version you’re consulting is not final. This programme may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.

At Louvain-la-Neuve
60 credits - 1 year
Day schedule - In French
Programme acronym: EDPH2M5
Dissertation/Graduation Project : YES
Internship : YES
Activities in English: NO
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO


The Master's degree in Teaching (section 5) is the educational qualification required to access the profession of upper secondary school teacher. It is acquired at the end of a 60-credit training course.

This qualifying training thus completes the 2nd cycle diploma obtained in the chosen discipline. The disciplinary orientation of the second cycle as well as the disciplinary orientation of the Master's degree in Teaching (section 5) determine the subjects that can be taught in upper secondary education.

The objective of the Master's degree in Teaching (section 5) is to provide the student with initial training that allows them to acquire the foundation of knowledge and skills essential to effectively start out in the teaching profession and to be able to progress positively there.

Your profile


  • wish to teach (or already teach) your subject in the last three years of upper secondary education
  • meet the admission requirements for this program
Your future job

Teacher in upper secondary education

Your programme

The program is based on:

  • a pedagogy that alternates between lectures, small group seminars, conferences and professional practice internships;
  • a program approach that closely and complementary combines practice and theory;
  • a large place given to internships in upper secondary education with support for professional practices throughout the training
  • a responsibility of the student in the acquisition of knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills related to the teaching profession.
Your parcours

With its partners from the universities associated with this program, UCLouvain's intention is to train teaching professionals who are educated, creative, autonomous, ready to work in a team and committed to a democratic project for the School and for Society.

The teacher is called upon to play an essential role with his students, as specified in the Education Code of May 3, 2019:

  • promote self-confidence and the development of the person of each student;
  • lead all students to appropriate knowledge and acquire skills that make them able to learn throughout their lives and to take an active place in economic, social and cultural life;
  • prepare all students to be responsible citizens, capable of contributing to the development of a democratic, united, pluralistic society open to other cultures;
  • ensure that all students have equal opportunities for social emancipation.

The initial training of the teacher is based on the mastery of prior skills that the student will have to mobilize and develop through different activities of his/her master's degree:

  • the knowledge of the discipline(s) to be taught;
  • clear and correct communication in the language of instruction, orally and in writing;
  • a critical and autonomous relationship with the reference knowledge (scientific and cultural);
  • relational skills linked to the profile of the profession;
  • a rich general culture and an openness to the diversity of cultures which allow future students to be aware of the world and its transformations;
  • the concern to participate in the democratizing role of the school.