At the end of the Master's in Teaching (section 5), the graduate will have acquired and demonstrated mastery of the knowledge and skills listed below. These are defined with reference to the decree of February 7, 2019, amended by the decree of December 2, 2021 on the initial training of teachers.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1.1. act as a social and cultural actor within the school and society, including in their transformation, integrate diversity and develop civic practices for greater social cohesion;
1.2. understand ethical issues and respect the professional ethics and regulatory frameworks from a democratic and responsible perspective;
1.3. analyze the organizational and institutional environment of the education system and act within it, in particular by interacting with colleagues, parents, management and other stakeholders in order to:
1.3.1. be part of the school management process and participate in the improvement of the education system of the French Community;
1.3.2. make the school a place where students learn, develop and train in a positive climate, and not a place of selection.
1.4. control one's administrative situation and the monitoring of one's personal administrative file;
2.2. identify individual training needs and participate in identifying the training needs of the educational team;
2.3. contribute to the dissemination, within the educational team, of the acquired knowledge linked to the continuing education courses followed or the skills developed by them or through experience.
3.1. master the disciplinary content, its epistemological foundations, its scientific and technological evolution, its didactics and its teaching methodology;
3.2. master the knowledge relating to learning processes, research on the different models and theories of teaching;
3.3. master the written and oral French language in depth to teach and communicate adequately in the various contexts and disciplines related to the profession;
3.4. take into account and develop the language dimensions of learning and teaching, paying attention to the language of schooling or language of learning and being aware of the socially and culturally unequal nature of familiarization with it;
3.5. act as a teacher within the classroom and within the school establishment from a collective perspective, in particular through:
3.5.1. the design and implementation of a teaching and learning approach, including a variety of practices designed to strengthen students’ motivation and promote their self-confidence and develop their creativity and spirit of initiative and cooperation;
3.5.2. the design, choice and use of teaching materials, textbooks, school software and other educational tools;
3.5.3. the construction and use of observation and assessment materials, the latter being specifically aimed at understanding and training, promoting student accountability and participation in their learning;
3.5.4. the design and implementation of practices for educational differentiation, personalized support for students taking into account their prior learning, their learner profile and, where applicable, their specific needs and based in particular on co-teaching or co-teaching intervention;
3.5.5. the implementation of interdisciplinary learning activities;
3.6. master the integration of digital technologies in their teaching practices;
3.7. take into account media education, EVRAS and gender in a transversal manner;
3.8. create a caring relational framework to facilitate communication with students, their entourage, particularly family, as well as with colleagues;
3.9. manage the class group in an educational and pedagogical situation in a stimulating, structuring and reassuring manner.
4.2. conduct, individually and with peers, a critical and rigorous observation and analysis of their own practices and their impact on students in order to regulate their teaching and to develop the strategies and conditions of implementation with a view to efficiency and equity;
4.3. gradually build their professional identity, in particular by mobilizing personal professional development tools such as the portfolio.