Specialised Master’s Degrees
- Advanced Master in Nanotechnologies
- Advanced Master in Nuclear Engineering
- Specialised Master’s Degree in Biotechnology and Applied Biology
Doctoral Programmes
Most doctoral students study at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics as well as the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering. The faculty of these Institutes participate in numerous doctoral programmes. A comprehensive list is available from the President of the Third Cycle Commission.
UCL Master’s degrees (about 60) are accessible to UCL Master’s degree holders
For example:
- The Titre inconnu:envi2m (automatic admission with possible complementary coursework)
- Different Master’s degree programmes in management (automatic admission based on written application)
- The Master [60] in Information and Communication at Louvain-la-Neuve or the Master [60] in Information and Communication at Mons