> Printable version Content: Core courses BEUSL2701 The historical and cultural basis of European integration FR q1 30h 5 credits Teacher(s): > Nathalie Tousignant Nathalie Tousignant BEUSL2702 The economic basis of European Integration FR q2 30h 5 credits Teacher(s): > Clément Fontan Clément Fontan BEUSL2703 Legal foundations of European integration: Institutional law and general theory FR q1 30h 5 credits BEUSL2704 The political basis of European Integration FR q1 30h 5 credits Teacher(s): > Sophie Jacquot Sophie Jacquot BEUSL2706 Interdisciplinary workshop: Europe as it is thought FR q2 30h 5 credits BEUSL2724 L'Europe en direct FR q2 30h 10 credits One activity among: (10 credits) BEUSL2720 Union européenne et écologie FR q2 15h 10 credits BEUSL2721 L'Union européenne dans le monde FR q2 15h 10 credits Teacher(s): > Tom Delreux Tom Delreux BEUSL2722 Politiques sociales et économiques de l'Union européenne FR q2 15h 10 credits BEUSL2723 Union européenne, démocratie et Etat de droit FR q2 15h 10 credits BEUSL2800 Final assignment FR q2 15 credits