At the end of their course, the holders of the Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language will demonstrate an excellent knowledge of French linguistics and literature, as well as of the cultural and historical contexts of places where French is used as a language of communication and/or teaching while not being the first language (Francophone countries, multicultural milieux...).
Students will also be able to transfer their knowledge and implement it in professional contexts to which these issues relate.
With these qualities, students in French and Romance Languages and Literature with French as a Second Language will be an intellectual in the area of humanities, able to contribute to the great challenges of the modern world, namely the construction of multilingual and multicultural societies which respect and integrate differences.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. Analyse oral and written output in French, taking into account historical, regional, social and stylistic variations.
2. Analyse the cultural, historical, political and institutional context of Francophone countries.
3. Employ the knowledge acquired in the different fields of the humanities, with a view to conducting an in-depth analysis of facts, documents, speeches or issues.
3.1. Analyse a fact, document, speech or problem on the basis of historical theories;
3.2. Analyse a fact, document, speech or problem on the basis of philosophical theories.
4. Produce a critical reading of a text using the analytical and interpretation tools offered by the available methods and practices.
5. Become expert in French, both orally and in writing, on normative and argumentative levels, achieving excellence in the formulation of thoughts, reading ability, comprehension of different types of text and composition.
5.1. Achieve expert skills in oral French;
5.2. Achieve expert skills in written French.
6. Become expert in the methods and theories of the teaching of languages, in particular French, and intercultural matters.
7. Develop, on the basis of language and literature studies, reflective and critical knowledge allowing students to become an actor in modern society, an intellectual in the area of humanities, open to a dialogue between language, literature and other artistic and scientific knowledge.
7.1. Compile and adequately manage a corpus of linguistic data;
7.2. Compile and adequately manage a corpus of literary data;
7.3. Problematize a research question considering the relationship between language and context;
7.4. Problematize a research question adapted to the corpus of literature studied.
8. Develop, on the basis of language and literature studies, reflective and critical knowledge allowing tstudents to become an actor in modern society, an intellectual in the area of humanities, open to a dialogue between language, literature and other artistic and scientific knowledge.
8.1. Apply a reflective and critical approach to society on the basis of literary studies;
8.2. Apply a reflective and critical approach to society on the basis of language studies.
9. If the Research Focus course is chosen: contribute to the forming of theories on language and literature.
9.1. Contribute to the scientific creation of theories of language;
9.2. Contribute to the scientific creation of theories on literature.
10. If the Professional Focus course is chosen: work in different sectors of activity connected to language, culture and communication (language planning, creating programmes, cultural training, etc.).
10.1. Work in the field of languages;
10.2. Work in a cultural field;
10.3. Work in the field of communication.
11. Through the optional courses:
11.1. Widen and deepen their knowledge and skills in the field(s) on which the master focuses;
11.2. Discover a discipline/disciplines which is/are complementary to the main programme disciplines, and grasp its/their specifics and fundamental principles from the point of view of being open to and creating an additional perspective and additional skills.