Theoretical knowledge combined with learning about the work of a historian
The bilingual bachelor's degree in history at Saint-Louis Bruxelles combines historical knowledge courses with a hands-on approach to the work of a historian. The Faculty provides students with a background in the various aspects of a historian’s profession:
- use of the range of information sources, from the first engraved inscriptions to handwritten texts and digital documents
- research and classification of sources
- critical analysis of records
- production of summaries which meet the requirements of academic writing
The periods of history, from the dawn of humanity to the present time, are approached in such a way as to raise awareness of the various main lines and levels of historical inquiry, such as global history, thematic history and memory-related history.
Reinforced by general courses common to the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Letters and Human Sciences, the programme teaches students how to build bridges between generations and cultures, which is a necessary step in the face of global human and environmental challenges.
Teaching is organised according to a progressive model: from fairly general courses in year 1 to increasingly specialised courses. This specialisation is further developed in the master's programme.
A choice of options in English
Part of our general and specialised courses are taught in English. In addition to these courses, students in the bilingual history programme choose from a selection of English-language electives (5 credits in year 2, 10 credits in year 3).