In each of the specialization sectors, the training program consists of a minimum of 60 credits.
This program includes:
- a common core of 27 credits including
- end-of-study research work (dissertation) carried out in a laboratory of one of the five institutions co-granting the master's degree, in principle in the institution organizing the chosen specialized course (25 credits),
- transversal seminars and personal work (2 credits): students follow seminars common to the different sectors and carry out work on transversal themes such as ethics, economic aspects, applications of nanotechnologies, toxicity nanomaterials; these seminars are organized in the form of thematic days in turn by the partner institutions of the program; cross-disciplinary seminars are compulsory for all sectors and bring together all master's students;
- training in one of the five specialized courses (from 15 to 25 credits) consisting of 4 to 6 compulsory teaching units provided in the institution organizing the chosen specialized sector;
- teaching units to choose from so as to constitute an individual annual program of at least 60 credits; these elective teaching units will be selected from the teaching units identified as completing the chosen specialized sector; at least one unit will be borrowed from an institution different from that organizing the chosen specialized sector.
Within one of the specialization streams, people establish a program with the help of an advisor coherent individual annual program depending on the targeted specialization sector and the chosen end-of-study work and adapted to their acquired skills. With the agreement of your advisor, it is possible to take units of teaching choice outside the targeted sector, or even outside the master's program.
If during their previous academic career, the student has already followed a proposed teaching unit, or a teaching unit deemed equivalent, he cannot include it in his individual annual program.
The student will include in their annual program teaching units borrowed from at least two different co-degree institutions.
The individual annual program will total, whatever the specialization sector chosen, a minimum of 60 credits. It can reach 75 credits if an upgrade is deemed necessary in one or more subjects by the jury based on the student's initial training (see admission conditions).
The individual annual program thus established will be submitted for approval to the management committee of the master's degree specialization in nanotechnology.