At the end of his.her training at the Faculty of Sciences, the student will have acquired the disciplinary and cross-disciplinary knowledge, and skills needed to perform numerous professional activities. His.her modeling and in-depth understanding of phenomena, his.her liking for research and his.her scientific rigor will be sought not only in scientific professions (research, development, teaching, etc.), but also more generally in the current and future Society.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1.2 Identify and apply physical theories to solve a problem.
1.3 Know and use adequately the principles of experimental physics : measurements, their uncertainties, measuring instruments and their calibration, the processing of data by computer tools.
1.4 Explain and design a measurement method and implement it.
1.5 Model complex systems and predict their evolution using numerical methods, including computer simulations.
1.6 Retrace the historical evolution of physical concepts and recognize the role of physics in various parts of the body of knowledge and culture.
2.2 Design and use instruments to measure or study a physical system.
2.3 Properly handle computer tools to help solve problems in physics, while knowing the limitations of these tools.
2.4 Design algorithms adapted to the problems addressed and translate them into computer programmes.
2.5 Apply adequate tools, both basic and more advanced, to model complex physical systems and solve specific problems in physics application fields.
3.1 Evaluate the simplicity, clarity, rigor, originality of a scientific reasoning, and identify any flaws.
3.2 Develop or adapt a physical reasoning and formalize it.
3.3 Argue the validity of a scientific result and adapt its argumentation to various audiences.
3.4 Show the analogies between different problems in physics, in order to apply known solutions to new problems.
4.2 Analyze a research problem and select the appropriate tools to study it in a thorough and original way.
5.2 Read and interpret an advanced physics text and relate it to acquired knowledge.
5.3 Acquire new scientific and technical skills.
5.4 Judge autonomously the relevance of a scientific approach and the interest of a physical theory
6.2 Identify individual and collective goals and responsibilities, and work in accordance with these roles.
6.3 Manage, individually and as a team, a major project in all its aspects.
6.4 Evaluate your performance as an individual and team member, and evaluate the performance of others.
6.5 Recognize and respect the views and opinions of team members.
7.2 Structure an oral presentation and bring out the key elements of the subject.
7.3 Distinguish the objectives, methods and concepts of the theme presented.
7.4 Adapt the presentation to the level of expertise of the interlocutors.
7.5 Use a variety of media and computer tools to communicate (explain, write, publish) concepts and physical results.
7.6 Discuss with colleagues from other disciplines.
8.2 Deepen a subject beyond current knowledge.