At the end of their course, the holder of the Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General will demonstrate an excellent ability to analyse and interpret speeches, in particular, literary and, more generally, cultural, speeches. Their extensive general knowledge and in-depth knowledge of French, Italian and Spanish will enable them to take an educated look at their own culture and understand the ever-changing linguistic and literary context into which it fits, thanks to a range of different tools (philological, theoretical, hermeneutic, historical and comparative).
Students will also be able, thanks in particular to an excellent knowledge of the language, to communicate their knowledge and implement it in all professional contexts on the basis of the type of speech in question (teaching, editing, culture and continuing education, journalism and communication, scientific research...).
With these qualities, the students on the masters in French and Romance Languages and Literature will become intellectuals in the field of humanities able to contribute to the significant issues and challenges in modern society, by demonstrating how its heritage and linguistic and literary creativity constitute authorities on the basis of which such questions can be answered.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1. Rigorously situate, analyse and perform an in-depth interpretation of French, Spanish and Italian literature from an historic, generic, textual, stylistic, rhetorical and thematic point of view.
1.1. Conduct in-depth analyses of French literary works;
1.2. Conduct in-depth analyses of Spanish literary works;
1.3. Conduct in-depth analyses of Italian literary works.
2. Recognise, from within the literature of at least two romance languages and within European and non-European literature, links relating to circulation, similarities and also differences and specific features between different authors, works and general historical and literary trends.
2.1. Recognise the similarities and differences between works from two romance languages;
2.2. Recognise the similarities and differences between works relating to the general history of literature.
3. Employ the knowledge acquired in the different fields of the humanities, with a view to conducting an in-depth analysis of facts, documents, speeches or issues.
3.1. Analyse a fact, document, speech or problem on the basis of historical theories;
3.2. Analyse a fact, document, speech or problem on the basis of philosophical theories.
4. Understand questions relating to literary theory and produce a critical reading of a text using the analytical and interpretation tools offered by the available methods and practices (philology, genetics narratology, poetics, dramaturgy; comparatism, mythocriticism, semiotics; psychoanalysis, sociology, etc.).
4.1. Analyse a text critically on the basis of philological or genetic methods;
4.2. Analyse a text critically on the basis of methods pertaining to the type or genre of text concerned (narratology, poetics, dramaturgy);
4.3. Analyse a text critically on the basis of comparatist, mythocritic, semiotic, psychoanalytic or sociological methods.
5. Become highly expert in French, Spanish and Italian in the different levels of linguistic analysis (phonetics and phonology, vocabulary and phraseology, syntax, semantics, text and speech).
5.1. Master the linguistic analysis of French;
5.2. Master the linguistic analysis of Spanish;
5.3. Master the linguistic analysis of Italian.
6. Analyse oral and written output in the three romance languages (French, Spanish and Italian), taking into account historical, regional, social and stylistic variations (varieties of French in French-speaking countries, French as a foreign and second language, Peninsular and Latin American Spanish, etc.).
6.1. Analyse oral and written output in French, taking into account its variations;
6.2. Analyse oral and written output in Spanish, taking into account its variations;
6.1. Analyse oral and written output in Italian, taking into account its variations.
6.3. Analyse oral and written output in Italian, taking into account its variations.
7. Develop and implement appropriate methods for the creation and management of a corpus of linguistic and/or literary data and problematize a research question.
7.1. Compile and adequately manage a corpus of linguistic data;
7.2. Compile and adequately manage a corpus of literary data;
7.3. Problematize a research question considering the relationship between language and context;
7.4. Problematize a research question adapted to the corpus of literature studied.
8. Become expert in the two modern languages both orally and in writing, on normative and argumentative levels, achieving excellence in the formulation of thoughts, reading ability, comprehension of different types of text and composition. Depending upon the languages students choose, they will therefore be able to master Spanish or Italian, at least to level B2 (= upper classification of the advanced or independent user level).
8.1. Communicate expertly in French;
8.2. Communicate expertly in Spanish;
8.3. Communicate expertly in Italian.
9. Develop, on the basis of language and literature studies, reflective and critical knowledge allowing them to become an actor in modern society, an intellectual in the area of humanities, open to a dialogue between language, literature and other artistic and scientific knowledge.
9.1. Apply a reflective and critical approach to society on the basis of literary studies;
9.2. Apply a reflective and critical approach to society on the basis of language studies.
10. If the Research Focus is chosen: Employ the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to different professional environments or a be specialist in discourse and culture who can provide expertise and contribute to the creation of theories on language or literature through scientific research.
10.1. Contribute to different professional environments where a specialist in discourse and culture can provide expertise;
10.2. Contribute to the scientific creation of theories of language;
10.3. Contribute to the scientific creation of theories on literature.
11. If the Professional Focus: Library Studies is chosen: employ the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out various jobs within the professions in this field (edition, promotion, distribution, retail).
11.1. Employ their knowledge and skills effectively as an editor, publisher or distributor;
11.2. Employ their knowledge and skills effectively as a retailer.
12. Through the optional courses:
12.1. Widen and deepen their knowledge and skills in the field(s) on which the master focuses;
12.2. Discover a discipline/disciplines which is/are complementary to the main programme disciplines, and grasp its/their specifics and fundamental principles from the point of view of being open to and creating an additional perspective and additional skills.