Archive of past events of the site Alumni LSM
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Start-up Fair Alumni LSM01 MarThe 3rd Alumni Start-up Fair will be held next March. More information coming soon!En savoir plusStart-up Fair Alumni LSM01 MarThe 3rd Alumni Start-up Fair will be held next March. More information coming soon!
Mathématiques et Musiques29 NovMathematics and Music On Friday, November 29, 2024, at 8 PM at the Chapelle des Sœurs Noires in Mons This annual musical gathering has been held for several years. Olivier De Spiegeleir, an alumnus of UCLouvain (Water and Forest Engineering, 1982) and internationally renowned pianist, shares his passion for piano with alumni.En savoir plusMathématiques et Musiques29 NovMathematics and Music On Friday, November 29, 2024, at 8 PM at the Chapelle des Sœurs Noires in Mons This annual musical gathering has been held for several years. Olivier De Spiegeleir, an alumnus of UCLouvain (Water and Forest Engineering, 1982) and internationally renowned pianist, shares his passion for piano with alumni.
Conference : Fake News... Impacts et Consequences26 NovConference : Fake News... Impacts et Consequences More information to come. Stay tuned!En savoir plusConference : Fake News... Impacts et Consequences26 NovConference : Fake News... Impacts et Consequences More information to come. Stay tuned!
Dos and Don’ts d’une transformation « durable » de nos organisations07 NovSolvay Schools Alumni & LSM Alumni vous invite à: Dos and Don’ts d’une transformation « durable » de nos organisations Jeudi 7/11/2024 16h00-20h30 Les « Rencontres de la Durabilité », sont un moment de partages et d’échanges entre Alumni, sur comment chacun de nous pouvons (devons ?) transformer en profondeur à la fois nos mentalités en tant que humains dans la Société,En savoir plusDos and Don’ts d’une transformation « durable » de nos organisations07 NovSolvay Schools Alumni & LSM Alumni vous invite à: Dos and Don’ts d’une transformation « durable » de nos organisations Jeudi 7/11/2024 16h00-20h30 Les « Rencontres de la Durabilité », sont un moment de partages et d’échanges entre Alumni, sur comment chacun de nous pouvons (devons ?) transformer en profondeur à la fois nos mentalités en tant que humains dans la Société,
BBQ annuel des Alumni LSM & BMI 202421 JunFollowing the phenomenal success of our last two BBQs, we are thrilled to announce that we’re bringing back this unforgettable evening once again!En savoir plusBBQ annuel des Alumni LSM & BMI 202421 JunFollowing the phenomenal success of our last two BBQs, we are thrilled to announce that we’re bringing back this unforgettable evening once again!
Assemblée générale de l’asbl Alumni Louvain School of Management11 JunAnnual Ordinary General Assembly in person on Tuesday, June 11, at 8:00 p.m.En savoir plusAssemblée générale de l’asbl Alumni Louvain School of Management11 JunAnnual Ordinary General Assembly in person on Tuesday, June 11, at 8:00 p.m.
STARTUP FAIR ALUMNI LSM 202423 AprAprès la 1e édition de l'année passée, nous vous invitons à la STARTUP FAIR ALUMNI LSM 2024 ! L'évènement aura lieu à l'Aula Magna en collaboration avec Mind & Market Nous recevrons des entrepreneurs actifs dans des projets à impact sociétal et environnemental avec Gramitherm, Phitrust et Lacia.En savoir plusSTARTUP FAIR ALUMNI LSM 202423 AprAprès la 1e édition de l'année passée, nous vous invitons à la STARTUP FAIR ALUMNI LSM 2024 ! L'évènement aura lieu à l'Aula Magna en collaboration avec Mind & Market Nous recevrons des entrepreneurs actifs dans des projets à impact sociétal et environnemental avec Gramitherm, Phitrust et Lacia.
2e Start-up Fair Alumni LSM23 AprThe event will take place at Aula Magna in collaboration with Mind & Market We will host entrepreneurs involved in projects with societal and environmental impact, including Gramitherm, Phitrust, and Lacia.En savoir plus2e Start-up Fair Alumni LSM23 AprThe event will take place at Aula Magna in collaboration with Mind & Market We will host entrepreneurs involved in projects with societal and environmental impact, including Gramitherm, Phitrust, and Lacia.
8th Philippe de Woot Award Ceremony21 MarProfessor Koen Vandenbempt, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics – UAntwerpen Professor Matthieu de Nanteuil, Dean of the Louvain School of Management – UCLouvain Professor Luc Van Liedekerke, Professor of Business Ethics and Chair of the Committee on Ethics and Sustainability at the Faculty of Business and Economics – UAntwerpen The Organization Committee of the Philippe de Woot Award 20En savoir plus8th Philippe de Woot Award Ceremony21 MarProfessor Koen Vandenbempt, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics – UAntwerpen Professor Matthieu de Nanteuil, Dean of the Louvain School of Management – UCLouvain Professor Luc Van Liedekerke, Professor of Business Ethics and Chair of the Committee on Ethics and Sustainability at the Faculty of Business and Economics – UAntwerpen The Organization Committee of the Philippe de Woot Award 20
Récital: Feux d’automne17 NovAutumn Flames: A Piano Recital Commented by Olivier De Spiegeleir Join us for a piano recital featuring Olivier De Spiegeleir, an UCLouvain alumnus (Water and Forest Engineering, 1982) and internationally renowned pianist.En savoir plusRécital: Feux d’automne17 NovAutumn Flames: A Piano Recital Commented by Olivier De Spiegeleir Join us for a piano recital featuring Olivier De Spiegeleir, an UCLouvain alumnus (Water and Forest Engineering, 1982) and internationally renowned pianist.