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Estimating abundance and demographic parameters to inform conservation of endangered species by Ana Sanz Perez ( Leibniz - IZW (Berlin) / CTFC (Solsona))29 Feb
Moving together towards “better”: Stakeholder-centered research to catalyze sustainable agricultural transition by Emily Burchfield (Emory University)27 Feb
Peat soil thickness and carbon storage in the Belgian High Fens by Yanfei Li27 Feb
Insights into the environmental dimension of antibiotic resistance: a One Health perspective by Marie Verhaegen23 Feb
Using citizen science data to inform the question of farming and biodiversity: farmland birds in Wallonia as a showcase by Jean-Yves Paquet15 FebThe "Farmland Bird Index" is widely used as a proxy to assess the biodiversity status of agricultural landscapes in Europe. This official indicator is calculated from long-term breeding birds monitoring data, collected by dedicated volunteer birdwatchers. In Wallonia, this monitoring scheme is coordinated by Aves-Natagora since 1990.En savoir plusUsing citizen science data to inform the question of farming and biodiversity: farmland birds in Wallonia as a showcase by Jean-Yves Paquet15 FebThe "Farmland Bird Index" is widely used as a proxy to assess the biodiversity status of agricultural landscapes in Europe. This official indicator is calculated from long-term breeding birds monitoring data, collected by dedicated volunteer birdwatchers. In Wallonia, this monitoring scheme is coordinated by Aves-Natagora since 1990.
Recent enhanced drought in monsoonal Asia and Europe - inferred from tree-ring oxygen isotope record byDr Wenlin AN (Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences)13 FebRecent widespread and frequent droughts have had devastating ecological and economic consequences over monsoonal Asia and the Europe, but the severity and cause of these extremes remain unclear. Tree-ring oxygen isotope (δ18O) has been widely used in reconstructing continuous, high-resolution drought history.En savoir plusRecent enhanced drought in monsoonal Asia and Europe - inferred from tree-ring oxygen isotope record byDr Wenlin AN (Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences)13 FebRecent widespread and frequent droughts have had devastating ecological and economic consequences over monsoonal Asia and the Europe, but the severity and cause of these extremes remain unclear. Tree-ring oxygen isotope (δ18O) has been widely used in reconstructing continuous, high-resolution drought history.
Introducing Sar-Based Annual Index to Provide Robust Forest Loss Assessment in Tropical Region. by Baptiste Delhez13 Feb
Climate change impacts on wind power generation in Belgium by Philippe Habay (Luminus)06 FebThe expected production of a wind project is made by assessing the historical wind resource of the site. In the context of climate change, the future wind resource might differ from what was observed in the past. If a significant change in wind regime is observed, the investment decisions in renewable energy might be impacted.En savoir plusClimate change impacts on wind power generation in Belgium by Philippe Habay (Luminus)06 FebThe expected production of a wind project is made by assessing the historical wind resource of the site. In the context of climate change, the future wind resource might differ from what was observed in the past. If a significant change in wind regime is observed, the investment decisions in renewable energy might be impacted.
Combining geophysical data, microtopography, and very-high resolution UAV imagery to map lowland permafrost degradation in the Stordalen mire, Abisko, Sweden by Maxime Thomas01 Feb
Consolidation of deforestation detection in the Congo Bassin Tropical Moist Forest by Thibauld Collet30 Jan