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Tipping points: some key results of the TIPES EU project by Marina Martínez Montero et Victor Couplet05 DecThere is rising concern that several subsystems of the Earth may respond highly nonlinearly at critical future levels of anthropogenic forcing; these levels have recently been associated with tipping points (TPs).En savoir plusTipping points: some key results of the TIPES EU project by Marina Martínez Montero et Victor Couplet05 DecThere is rising concern that several subsystems of the Earth may respond highly nonlinearly at critical future levels of anthropogenic forcing; these levels have recently been associated with tipping points (TPs).
Evaluation de modèle de croissance de prairie en zone Wallonie by Hamza Himdi05 Dec
Caractérisation des Fusarium pathogènes de la tomate (Solanum lycopersicon) dans les agrosystèmes maraichers au Burkina Faso et stratégies de gestion intégrée by Assiata Tiendrebeogo01 DecLa culture de la tomate au Burkina Faso (BF) fait face à divers bioagresseurs qui occasionnent des baisses de rendement importantes.En savoir plusCaractérisation des Fusarium pathogènes de la tomate (Solanum lycopersicon) dans les agrosystèmes maraichers au Burkina Faso et stratégies de gestion intégrée by Assiata Tiendrebeogo01 DecLa culture de la tomate au Burkina Faso (BF) fait face à divers bioagresseurs qui occasionnent des baisses de rendement importantes.
Interaction hôte-parasite et structuration spatiale by Oliver Kaltz (ISEM -Université Montpellier)30 Nov
Workshop on “High and Low Latitude Climate Variability and Their Interactions Across Time Scales”30 Nov01 DecProgram
Measuring photosynthetic activity with gas exchange systems by29 Nov
SIRANE: a model to assess the impact of public policies on air quality by Axel Briffault28 Nov
Simulation of water transfer in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum using the SWAP model by Elisia Ramos Gomes28 Nov
Local and remote drivers of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extremes by Daniel Topa28 NovSea ice has exhibited large variability over recent decades albeit with pronounced differences between the two poles. Superimposed on the long-term declining trend in Arctic sea ice, years with enhanced sea ice loss between 2007 and 2012 were followed by a now decade-long pause without a new record minimum.En savoir plusLocal and remote drivers of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extremes by Daniel Topa28 NovSea ice has exhibited large variability over recent decades albeit with pronounced differences between the two poles. Superimposed on the long-term declining trend in Arctic sea ice, years with enhanced sea ice loss between 2007 and 2012 were followed by a now decade-long pause without a new record minimum.
Integrative taxonomy of Macrofungi from the Albertine Rift by Claude Rizinde Hakizimana24 Nov