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Amare06 Apr
Exploring Ecosystem Dynamics of African Great Lakes using Remote Sensing Data : Lake Tanganyika as case study by François Toussaint06 Apr
Hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of volcanic soils and implications for evaluating slope stability by Maxime Delvoie04 Apr
Gestion des déchets ménagers urbains Analyse des acteurs et modélisation de la collecte primaire des déchets à Kinshasa (RD Congo) by Willy Vale Manga03 AprCette recherche développe une approche quantitative originale de la problématique de la collecte des déchets ménagers de Kinshasa, métropole de plus de 16 millions d’habitants avec une urbanisation et une démographie incontrôlée, à l’instar de nombreuses mégalopoles du global south. Cette thèse défend l’hypothèse selon laquelle la mise en place d’un réseau de précollecte de déchets est un facteurEn savoir plusGestion des déchets ménagers urbains Analyse des acteurs et modélisation de la collecte primaire des déchets à Kinshasa (RD Congo) by Willy Vale Manga03 AprCette recherche développe une approche quantitative originale de la problématique de la collecte des déchets ménagers de Kinshasa, métropole de plus de 16 millions d’habitants avec une urbanisation et une démographie incontrôlée, à l’instar de nombreuses mégalopoles du global south. Cette thèse défend l’hypothèse selon laquelle la mise en place d’un réseau de précollecte de déchets est un facteur
Modelling ice-ocean interactions in the Totten Glacier area, East Antarctica, under present and future conditions by Guillian Van Achter31 MarThe Antarctic Climate is characterized by strong interactions between the ocean, cryosphere and atmosphere and it plays a key role in the Earth’s Climate by driving the storage and redistribution of heat, freshwater and CO2. However, our understanding of the Antarctic Climate processes are still limited due to the scarcity of in-situ observations.En savoir plusModelling ice-ocean interactions in the Totten Glacier area, East Antarctica, under present and future conditions by Guillian Van Achter31 MarThe Antarctic Climate is characterized by strong interactions between the ocean, cryosphere and atmosphere and it plays a key role in the Earth’s Climate by driving the storage and redistribution of heat, freshwater and CO2. However, our understanding of the Antarctic Climate processes are still limited due to the scarcity of in-situ observations.
Is cocoa production a main driver of child labor in Ghana? by Goedele Van den Broeck30 MarChild labor is considered to be a major concern among cocoa farm households. Studies have extensively documented the prevalence of child labor in the sector and evaluated how cocoa supply chains and farm household livelihoods shape child labor. Yet, the question to what extent cocoa production is a main driver of child labor has not been covered.En savoir plusIs cocoa production a main driver of child labor in Ghana? by Goedele Van den Broeck30 MarChild labor is considered to be a major concern among cocoa farm households. Studies have extensively documented the prevalence of child labor in the sector and evaluated how cocoa supply chains and farm household livelihoods shape child labor. Yet, the question to what extent cocoa production is a main driver of child labor has not been covered.
Price incentives and unregulated deforestation: evidence from Indonesian palm oil mills by Valentin Guye28 Mar
Genetic diversity of the cultivated vanilla in Madagascar by Léa Onisoa Rivo Rasoamanalina24 MarNatural vanillin extracted from cultivated vanilla pods is the most common flavour in the world, and the vanilla crop is crucial to Madagascar's socio-economy, providing a direct livelihood for over 80,000 families and representing the majority of the country's exports. However, local production has been threatened by fungal diseases since before 1932.En savoir plusGenetic diversity of the cultivated vanilla in Madagascar by Léa Onisoa Rivo Rasoamanalina24 MarNatural vanillin extracted from cultivated vanilla pods is the most common flavour in the world, and the vanilla crop is crucial to Madagascar's socio-economy, providing a direct livelihood for over 80,000 families and representing the majority of the country's exports. However, local production has been threatened by fungal diseases since before 1932.
Monitoring the water status of vines in situ during the exceptional drought of summer 2022 in Belgium by Louis Delval23 MarClimate change will exacerbate drought events in many regions, increasing the demand on freshwater resources and creating major challenges for viticulture. In viticulture, the terroir governs the hydraulic behavior of the vine. The terroir is defined as the interactions between climate, soil, plant material (vine and rootstock varieties) and human management practices.En savoir plusMonitoring the water status of vines in situ during the exceptional drought of summer 2022 in Belgium by Louis Delval23 MarClimate change will exacerbate drought events in many regions, increasing the demand on freshwater resources and creating major challenges for viticulture. In viticulture, the terroir governs the hydraulic behavior of the vine. The terroir is defined as the interactions between climate, soil, plant material (vine and rootstock varieties) and human management practices.
Better together? The effect of VietGAP and PGS certification on farmers’ welfare in Vietnam by Laura Enthoven23 MarTo promote sustainable agriculture in low- and middle-income countries, local certification schemes and participatory guarantee systems (PGS) have been promoted as inclusive mechanisms.En savoir plusBetter together? The effect of VietGAP and PGS certification on farmers’ welfare in Vietnam by Laura Enthoven23 MarTo promote sustainable agriculture in low- and middle-income countries, local certification schemes and participatory guarantee systems (PGS) have been promoted as inclusive mechanisms.