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Root foraging and mining strategies – the rhizosphere at depth by Philippe Hinsinger22 MarRoots are foraging for belowground resource acquisition through a diversity of root traits and interactions with the soil and soil biota, as well as with other plants. In addition, roots can release large amounts of exudates and considerably alter nutrient concentrations and soil pH, either themselves or through the stimulation of their microbiome.En savoir plusRoot foraging and mining strategies – the rhizosphere at depth by Philippe Hinsinger22 MarRoots are foraging for belowground resource acquisition through a diversity of root traits and interactions with the soil and soil biota, as well as with other plants. In addition, roots can release large amounts of exudates and considerably alter nutrient concentrations and soil pH, either themselves or through the stimulation of their microbiome.
Soil science fieldwork in Galapagos Islands by Rose Paque21 MarUnderstanding spatial variation of soil processes across heterogeneous landscapes is important to constrain ecosystem processes. In Santa Cruz island (Galapagos archipelago), we sampled several soil profiles and installed hydrometeorological stations along a climatic gradient in the protected area of the Galapagos National Parc and in the non-protected agricultural area.En savoir plusSoil science fieldwork in Galapagos Islands by Rose Paque21 MarUnderstanding spatial variation of soil processes across heterogeneous landscapes is important to constrain ecosystem processes. In Santa Cruz island (Galapagos archipelago), we sampled several soil profiles and installed hydrometeorological stations along a climatic gradient in the protected area of the Galapagos National Parc and in the non-protected agricultural area.
Ecologie chimique et perspective de gestion intégrée dans le pathosystème Bananier (Musa Spp) - Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel (Hemiptera : Aphididae) - Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) by Ignace Murhububa Safari20 MarLes phytopathogènes transmis par les insectes dépendent de l'abondance et du comportement de leurs vecteurs pour favoriser leur propagation. Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel (Hemiptera : Aphididae) est le vecteur du Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV, genre Babuvirus). La relation hôte-parasite-vecteur est encore loin d'être élucidée.En savoir plusEcologie chimique et perspective de gestion intégrée dans le pathosystème Bananier (Musa Spp) - Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel (Hemiptera : Aphididae) - Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) by Ignace Murhububa Safari20 MarLes phytopathogènes transmis par les insectes dépendent de l'abondance et du comportement de leurs vecteurs pour favoriser leur propagation. Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel (Hemiptera : Aphididae) est le vecteur du Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV, genre Babuvirus). La relation hôte-parasite-vecteur est encore loin d'être élucidée.
Physiology and genetics of nitrogen use efficiency under saline conditions in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Paan Thi Hong Nhung17 MarApproximately 75% of the total area of harvested rice in the world is cultivated in the South and South-East Asian countries. However, these regions are facing both over-use of N fertilizers and salt intrusion from the sea into coastal area and river deltas.En savoir plusPhysiology and genetics of nitrogen use efficiency under saline conditions in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Paan Thi Hong Nhung17 MarApproximately 75% of the total area of harvested rice in the world is cultivated in the South and South-East Asian countries. However, these regions are facing both over-use of N fertilizers and salt intrusion from the sea into coastal area and river deltas.
Past, present, and future impacts of oceanic internal modes of variability on the rainfall over the West African Guinea Coast by Koffi Worou16 MarThe West-African monsoon system governs in the first order the annual cycle of rainfall over the Guinea Coast.En savoir plusPast, present, and future impacts of oceanic internal modes of variability on the rainfall over the West African Guinea Coast by Koffi Worou16 MarThe West-African monsoon system governs in the first order the annual cycle of rainfall over the Guinea Coast.
Biogeochemical implications of carbonate biomineralization in bacteria by Dr. Neha Mehta (Postdoctoral researcher CNRS, Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie de la Sorbonne Université Paris )14 MarInteractions between microbes and minerals occur in a vast array of natural and contaminated environments. In this talk, I will discuss these interactions in the context of processes such as biomineral formation, and remediation of polluted environments.En savoir plusBiogeochemical implications of carbonate biomineralization in bacteria by Dr. Neha Mehta (Postdoctoral researcher CNRS, Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie de la Sorbonne Université Paris )14 MarInteractions between microbes and minerals occur in a vast array of natural and contaminated environments. In this talk, I will discuss these interactions in the context of processes such as biomineral formation, and remediation of polluted environments.
Prediction of potentially toxic elements in vegetable plants based on soil properties: a case study in Wallonia by Benoit Perrrera14 Mar
Combining geophysical data, microtopography, and very-high resolution UAV imagery to map lowland permafrost degradation in the Stordalen mire, Abisko, Sweden. by Maxime Thomas09 MarIn situ field studies in thawing permafrost regions have shown that organic carbon (OC) geochemical stability and therefore its emissions resulting from decomposition depends a.o. on the variability in soil water content, which can be directly related to microtopography.En savoir plusCombining geophysical data, microtopography, and very-high resolution UAV imagery to map lowland permafrost degradation in the Stordalen mire, Abisko, Sweden. by Maxime Thomas09 MarIn situ field studies in thawing permafrost regions have shown that organic carbon (OC) geochemical stability and therefore its emissions resulting from decomposition depends a.o. on the variability in soil water content, which can be directly related to microtopography.
Deep transfer learning in remote sensing with large pretrained model: study on crop type classification by Quentin Deffense07 MarRecently, large self-supervised pre-trained models such as GPT-3 (ChatGPT), Bert (Google), InceptionV3, … have shown that they can outperform previous state-of-the-art models and transfer to different tasks and domains. In remote sensing, a large amount of unlabelled data are freely available but gathering in situ dataset is costly.En savoir plusDeep transfer learning in remote sensing with large pretrained model: study on crop type classification by Quentin Deffense07 MarRecently, large self-supervised pre-trained models such as GPT-3 (ChatGPT), Bert (Google), InceptionV3, … have shown that they can outperform previous state-of-the-art models and transfer to different tasks and domains. In remote sensing, a large amount of unlabelled data are freely available but gathering in situ dataset is costly.
Biodiversity and Taxonomy: Philosophical Uncertainties and Empirical Tools" by Prof. Charles Pence02 Mar