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Strategies to improve stress tolerance and photosynthetic efficiency in plants by Prof. Anjana Jajoo07 NovI am a plant physiologist and am working on various aspects of plant physiology to improve crop yield, particularly photosynthesis. Under abiotic stress conditions, the efficiency of photosynthesis decreases drastically leading to lower crop yield. We use a non-invasive tool of measuring Chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics to get information about the photosynthetic efficiency of the plants.En savoir plusStrategies to improve stress tolerance and photosynthetic efficiency in plants by Prof. Anjana Jajoo07 NovI am a plant physiologist and am working on various aspects of plant physiology to improve crop yield, particularly photosynthesis. Under abiotic stress conditions, the efficiency of photosynthesis decreases drastically leading to lower crop yield. We use a non-invasive tool of measuring Chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics to get information about the photosynthetic efficiency of the plants.
Individual variation and evolutionary potential in host-parasite interactions: lessons from a bird-tick system. by Gerardo Fracasso (Antwerpen)03 Nov
Combining climate models with high- and low-resolution proxy records to reconstruct the Antarctic centennial temperature variability over the past two millennia by Zhiqiang LYU28 OctThe climate variability at multi-decadal and centennial scale over Antarctica is closely linked to the stability of regional glaciers, the whole ice sheet mass balance, and thus the estimation of future sea-level rise. However, the short instrumental data limit our ability to fully estimate such low-frequency variability.En savoir plusCombining climate models with high- and low-resolution proxy records to reconstruct the Antarctic centennial temperature variability over the past two millennia by Zhiqiang LYU28 OctThe climate variability at multi-decadal and centennial scale over Antarctica is closely linked to the stability of regional glaciers, the whole ice sheet mass balance, and thus the estimation of future sea-level rise. However, the short instrumental data limit our ability to fully estimate such low-frequency variability.
Understanding the impacts of habitat structure and management : the case of the Red-Backed Shrike by Suzon Rondeaux27 Oct
Utilisation et affectation des terres en Wallonie : entre arbitrage de fonctions et limitation des impacts environnementaux by Derek Bruggeman25 OctDerek Bruggeman, Docteur en Géographie, expert en aménagement du territoire wallon via la CPDT (Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial) et l'IGEAT (ULB), en partenariat avec le CREAT (UCLouvain) et le Lepur (ULiège) et financées par le Gouvernement wallon présentera " Utilisation et affectation des terres en Wallonie : entre arbitrage de fonctions et limitation des impacts enviroEn savoir plusUtilisation et affectation des terres en Wallonie : entre arbitrage de fonctions et limitation des impacts environnementaux by Derek Bruggeman25 OctDerek Bruggeman, Docteur en Géographie, expert en aménagement du territoire wallon via la CPDT (Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial) et l'IGEAT (ULB), en partenariat avec le CREAT (UCLouvain) et le Lepur (ULiège) et financées par le Gouvernement wallon présentera " Utilisation et affectation des terres en Wallonie : entre arbitrage de fonctions et limitation des impacts enviro
Déterminisme du sexe chez les ignames cultivées Dioscorea rotundata (Poir) du Bénin by Narcisse Denadi24 OctCultivated yam (Dioscorea rotundata) is a staple tuber crop in West Africa that is mainly propagated vegetatively. Although the majority of yam cultivars flower, the control of its sexual reproduction - in particular sexual expression - remains largely unknown despite its importance for breeding programs.En savoir plusDéterminisme du sexe chez les ignames cultivées Dioscorea rotundata (Poir) du Bénin by Narcisse Denadi24 OctCultivated yam (Dioscorea rotundata) is a staple tuber crop in West Africa that is mainly propagated vegetatively. Although the majority of yam cultivars flower, the control of its sexual reproduction - in particular sexual expression - remains largely unknown despite its importance for breeding programs.
An overview of Cirad's activities on yam genetic improvement by Hâna Chaïr du CIRAD de Montpellier24 OctGreater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) is a tuber crop, with a pantropical distribution which can mainly be explained by its ease of cultivation and broad tolerance to different environments. It is a crop of utmost importance in many regions of developing countries, where it could be the only source of carbohydrates available. Despite its importance, little was known about this species.En savoir plusAn overview of Cirad's activities on yam genetic improvement by Hâna Chaïr du CIRAD de Montpellier24 OctGreater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) is a tuber crop, with a pantropical distribution which can mainly be explained by its ease of cultivation and broad tolerance to different environments. It is a crop of utmost importance in many regions of developing countries, where it could be the only source of carbohydrates available. Despite its importance, little was known about this species.
Influence of permafrost thaw on mineral organic carbon interactions by Arthur Monhoval19 OctClimate change and its consequences stand before us as the greatest challenge of our generation. The Arctic is warming at unprecedented rate and permafrost thaw is leading to irreversible changes with a global influence on climate. Permafrost carbon reservoir is twice as large as what is stored in the atmosphere.En savoir plusInfluence of permafrost thaw on mineral organic carbon interactions by Arthur Monhoval19 OctClimate change and its consequences stand before us as the greatest challenge of our generation. The Arctic is warming at unprecedented rate and permafrost thaw is leading to irreversible changes with a global influence on climate. Permafrost carbon reservoir is twice as large as what is stored in the atmosphere.
Comment réconcilier fin du monde et fin du mois ? by Céline Nieuwenhuys18 OctCéline Nieuwenhuys, Secrétaire générale de la Fédération des services sociaux ( présentera : "Comment réconcilier fin du monde et fin du mois ?"En savoir plusComment réconcilier fin du monde et fin du mois ? by Céline Nieuwenhuys18 OctCéline Nieuwenhuys, Secrétaire générale de la Fédération des services sociaux ( présentera : "Comment réconcilier fin du monde et fin du mois ?"
Twenty Sixth Conference on Food Microbiology by Belgian Society for Food Microbiology13 Oct14 Octlaboratoire MBLA co-organise la Belgian Conference on Food Microbiology (13 et 14 octobre 2022 à Bruxelles)En savoir plusTwenty Sixth Conference on Food Microbiology by Belgian Society for Food Microbiology13 Oct14 Octlaboratoire MBLA co-organise la Belgian Conference on Food Microbiology (13 et 14 octobre 2022 à Bruxelles)