Archive of past events of the site GReMS - Knowledge mediation research group
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04 MarWebinar: Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: an illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge.En savoir plus04 MarWebinar: Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: an illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge.
29 FebGReMS/RECOM Seminar: Mélanie Millette - Thursday February 29 – 10.45am The first RECOM cross-disciplinary seminar of this semester will be held on Thursday February 29, from 10.45am to 12.45pm at d.144 (Dupriez). We are pleased to welcome Mélanie Millette, full professor in the Department of Social and Public Communication at UQAM, and member of the Laboratoire sur la communication et le numérEn savoir plus29 FebGReMS/RECOM Seminar: Mélanie Millette - Thursday February 29 – 10.45am The first RECOM cross-disciplinary seminar of this semester will be held on Thursday February 29, from 10.45am to 12.45pm at d.144 (Dupriez). We are pleased to welcome Mélanie Millette, full professor in the Department of Social and Public Communication at UQAM, and member of the Laboratoire sur la communication et le numér
05 FebWebinar: Design-based research into the co-creation of teaching activities for the theoretical refinement of a multimodal media literacy competency model A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge.En savoir plus05 FebWebinar: Design-based research into the co-creation of teaching activities for the theoretical refinement of a multimodal media literacy competency model A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge.
23 JanOn Tuesday 23 January 2024, the GReMS will welcome Mathieu Bégin, professor at the Sherbrooke University, who will lead a seminar on research into media literacy. The seminar will start at 2pm, in d.262 (Dupriez). Title of presentation: Discourse analysis in media literacy research: elements for the study of young people's media practices, educational actions and public policies. Summary : InEn savoir plus23 JanOn Tuesday 23 January 2024, the GReMS will welcome Mathieu Bégin, professor at the Sherbrooke University, who will lead a seminar on research into media literacy. The seminar will start at 2pm, in d.262 (Dupriez). Title of presentation: Discourse analysis in media literacy research: elements for the study of young people's media practices, educational actions and public policies. Summary : In
15 JanWebinar: Participatory action research and media literacy: toward engaged, accountable, and collaborative knowledge production with marginalized communities A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge.En savoir plus15 JanWebinar: Participatory action research and media literacy: toward engaged, accountable, and collaborative knowledge production with marginalized communities A series of webinars is being organized to promote the publication of "Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook", edited by Pierre Fastrez and Normand Landry published by Routledge.
Séminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier29 NovSéminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier - Mercredi 29 novembre - 10h30 Nous accueillerons Anne Cordier, enseignante chercheuse en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication à l'Université de Lorraine, le mercredi 29 novembre.En savoir plusSéminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier29 NovSéminaire GReMS/RECOM : Anne Cordier - Mercredi 29 novembre - 10h30 Nous accueillerons Anne Cordier, enseignante chercheuse en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication à l'Université de Lorraine, le mercredi 29 novembre.
Séminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez15 NovSéminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez - Mercredi 15 novembre - 10h30 Nous aurons tout d'abord la chance d'accueillir Julian Alvarez, Docteur en sciences de l’information et de la communication, professeur associé à Lille 1 et spécialiste dans les TICE, le serious game et la gamification. Son séminaire, intitulé "Ludopédagogie, approches pratiques et théoriques", aura lieu ce mercredi 15 novembre, dEn savoir plusSéminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez15 NovSéminaire GReMS : Julian Alvarez - Mercredi 15 novembre - 10h30 Nous aurons tout d'abord la chance d'accueillir Julian Alvarez, Docteur en sciences de l’information et de la communication, professeur associé à Lille 1 et spécialiste dans les TICE, le serious game et la gamification. Son séminaire, intitulé "Ludopédagogie, approches pratiques et théoriques", aura lieu ce mercredi 15 novembre, d
GReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr. Amanda Levido - Media literacy and the Digital Child26 SepGReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr.En savoir plusGReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr. Amanda Levido - Media literacy and the Digital Child26 SepGReMS research seminar Sept. 26 - Dr.
Dix critères pour faire du jeu un espace de conscientisation15 DecLe Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs organise le jeudi 15 décembre un séminaire intitulé « Dix critères pour faire du jeu un espace de conscientisation ».En savoir plusDix critères pour faire du jeu un espace de conscientisation15 DecLe Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs organise le jeudi 15 décembre un séminaire intitulé « Dix critères pour faire du jeu un espace de conscientisation ».
06 Sep09 SepThe RedMIL 2018 doctoral summer school, organized by the GReMS (Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs - Knowledge Mediation Research Group) on September 11th-14th, 2018, aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections betwEn savoir plus06 Sep09 SepThe RedMIL 2018 doctoral summer school, organized by the GReMS (Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs - Knowledge Mediation Research Group) on September 11th-14th, 2018, aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections betw